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As the day went on i just laid in Bills bed drifting in and out from sleep, trying to sleep off this headache. Finally Bill came back in the room with a glass of water and pain medicine. i sat up and quickly swallowed 2 small red pills. "We need to talk."
Bill said in a low voice while sitting on the edge of the bed facing the wall. "About what?" i asked wiping the water drops off my lips. "You can't leave." He said. i sat there with a concerned look.
"What do you mean?" I finally asked. " I'm sorry, i should've told you sooner." He apologized. He then explained that him, Tom, Georg and Gustav were a gang and they kidnapped young girls and had them as "pets". I was in utter shock. I stared at him, lips quivering and brows raised in fear. "What?" i whispered.
He told me i "can't" leave. I got up and threw the bedroom door open and ran for the front door. I ran into counters, shelves and door frames. I slid into the front door and quickly fumbled with the handle trying to unlock it as quickly as possible.
But just as i got it open, Bill grabbed me from behind and pulled me back. I started kicking and screaming. "Let me go!" I shouted as i began crying. I tried to pry at his arms around my waist, but it was no use. He carried me to the living room and threw me on the couch. "You need to behave! Or your going to have a bad time Brit." He told me in a stern unfamiliar voice.
I stared at him in fear as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Just do as i say and everything will be fine. Please." He pleaded. I didn't reply. I just sat there. Then he told me to go put on some nice clothes because we were going to a club that night. He showed me to a small room with no windows. It had a small closet filled with women's clothes. From dresses and skirts, to jeans and hoodies. He picked me out a short dark red dress that had a sharp V cut on the chest. It was flown at the ends. He then showed me matching red heels and a small silver necklace and rings.
He then brushed my long black hair for me. It was weird, he was so stern with me earlier but he loved to be nice as well. He would hug and kiss me, help me with my clothes, hair and makeup. He was quite odd, but i couldn't help but fall for him.
When i finally got ready he made me wait on the living room couch for him to get ready. I sat there for a few minutes, eyeing the front door. Finally i stood up and scurried over and tried to open it. But just then, Tom slid in front of me. "Where are you going beautiful?" He asked with a dirty smirk. "I-I" i stuttered "What's going on?" Bill asked as he walked up behind me. I turned around quickly still at a lost for words.
"Your pet was trying to escape again. Keep her in check." He said sternly before walking away. Bill gave me a disappointed look. "I'm sorry." I finally managed to spit out.

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