Is it just a Legend?

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Thunder rumbles outside our tiny home as I sit beside my brother on the bed, who got one of Mum's favourite books from her box. I miss her dearly, but I still have Dad and Jack, which makes the world much better, "Fee-fi-fo-fum." Jack begins the story holding up one of the knights he shows me as I am on the edge of my seat at the tale. He tells me, "Ask not whence the thunder comes. Ask not where the herds have gone. Nor why the birds have ceased their song. When coming home, don't take too long. For monsters roam in Albion." Jack told me the story while I sat there smiling when thunder rumbled overhead. 

Lightning flashed outside, which had me look up and notice someone standing at the door with Jack noticed as well, "Jack, Daisy, you're still up

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Lightning flashed outside, which had me look up and notice someone standing at the door with Jack noticed as well, "Jack, Daisy, you're still up." we heard Father say as he walked in, looking at us with a raised brow on why we were up at this time of night, "Sorry, Father. The giants woke us." Jack and I say together as I show my Father a small smile as he walks over to the window to look outside at the pouring rain, "Jack, Daisy, it's a thunderstorm." Father told us as I looked at Jack with a pont that Father did not believe us, "Mother used to say..." Jack was saying as he picked up his pillow to pull out the little book Mother used to read us when we were little, "... the giants made the thunder. Look." Jack continued showing a picture as I nodded at what my big brother was saying about the giants, "Where did you find that?" Father questions as I look at him, knowing we must not go through Mother's old things, but we miss her so much she was our rock, "it was with her old things." I tell him as he looks at me with a raised brow, curious, "Will you read the rest to us?" Jack asks as I smile at Father to read to us, which has a smile edge away at him as I feel the joy coming into my system. 

"All right," he tells us as he sits beside me. I look at my Father, who wraps an arm around me to pick me up, placing me on his lap and then moving closer to Jack so we can see the pictures in the little storybook, "Where're we up to?" Father asks as I look to Jack on that part, "The monks were trying to find God, so they made magic..." Jack was saying, as Father then remembered the story, "Magic seeds. Aye. I remember now. "With seeds, they pulled from a magical pod... "... the monks grew a pathway to seek out their God. "When they came to what they thought..."... was heaven's gate..."... they met with a terrible, grisly fate." For between heaven and earth was a..."... perilous place."Gantua, home to a fierce giant race." With a bridge now before them to the world of men..."... a plague of giants descends."Taking a cue from the richest of kings..."... they acquired a taste..."... for acquiring things." But the one taste that caused them to lose all control..." "Was a taste for the mankind... "... blood, bones and all." Father continued as I winched a little on that for Father to look at me at the sounds of blood and gore. 

"Are you OK there, Daisy?" Father asks as I nod, knowing it would scare most children on this story. Still, I am pretty okay with it, "I am fine, Father, continue, please", I tell him as he chuckles, which vibrates off my back, feeling me with relief and has me smile on that, "King Erik..."... bade the monks return to dark arts... "... to find some way... "... to rule giant hearts. "So they melted one down... "... mixed in magic and more... "... and they crafted a crown unlike any before." Father continued to read to us as Jack looked to his doll at the mention of the crown which looked like King Erik, "King Erik's magic crown. This is my favourite part." Jack mentions as I nod a little on that, "As soon as the king took the crown in hand... "... the giants were slave... "... to his every command. "He sent them back to the place of their birth. "Their home now a prison between heaven and earth. "Erik severed the link... "... between giants and men." "And peace returned to his kingdom again. "The mystical relics... "... were all that remained... "... safe with Erik through the years that he reigned. "And when time came at last for King Erik to sleep... "... he took crown and seed with him... "... for permanent keep." "And as the king's bones slowly crumbled away... "... truth became legend." 

Father was finishing as he looked at us as the story was coming to an end, "Or so people say." Jack pitches in as Father gets up, having me on his hip, putting the book under Jack's pillow and tucking Jack into the bed, "What will happen when the giants come back?" Jack then asks as I look to Jack on such a question, wondering if he is right on them coming back, "They won't, son." Father comments I do not wish for them to come back; it would be the end of the world of men, "But what if they do?" Jack questions as Father adjusts me more on his hip and then sits back down on the bed, "Jack. Well, I guess the king's Guardians...... will have to cut them down to size." Father tells us as I look at the knight when he hands it back to Jack, "I wanna be a Guardian." Jack tells us, as I know, that it will never happen because we are not noble by blood, "You have the spirit. No doubt about that. The king's Guardians must be born...... of noble blood. There's not much in ours but dirt and sweat. It's only a story, Jack. Giants aren't real." Father says. 

Father gets up, balancing me on his hip, and then he blows out the candle near the door, but when my Father was to blow out the candle near Jack, my big brother stopped him from doing so, "Leave that one." Jack tells him as I sit there holding onto my Father's clothes as I know I must go to my bed now, "All right. Now get some sleep, son. We have to be out on the field before first light." Father tells my brother as we begin to leave the room, "Father." we then hear Jack call out, which stops us as I look to my brother, "How do you know giants aren't real?" Jack asks as I look to Father as Thunder rumbles in the background, "I don't." Father answers as I go wide-eyed in shock, "Father, can I sleep in Jack's room tonight?" I ask as he sighs at my question, knowing I will sneak in either way, "OK, but no more story time", he tells me as I nod with the man placing me on my feet. I rush over to my brother's bed, who holds up the sheets with me; I get in next to my brother, who cuddles me as I look to Father, who looks at us as he closes the door, leaving us to sleep. 

Jack looks to me as I nod, which has him bring out the book from under his pillow, "And jealous eyes are looking down..."... on peaceful fields in Albion. "An enemy vows will come a day..."... when giants return, and giants stay." To wage a war..."... and this time win..." And to eat the last..."... of Erik's kin." Jack reads as I gulp in on the words which have Jack cuddle me more knowing the words struck some fear in me, "its OK, Daisy, I'll protect you from the giant's," he tells me as I look to him on such words as he strokes my dark brown locks, "do you promise, Jack?" I question as he nods, "I promise," he tells me as I smile while we fall asleep into the world of dreams with us holding onto each other. 

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