chapter 4 part 2: confession (VxlizzyxDoll)

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(after Lizzy said that, Dolls expression changed from a blank one to..slightly uncomfortable. She said she was ok with starting a three-way relationship with Lizzy but with V? Doll already knew about her and V's friendship, but to think that Lizzy actually fell for someone like her, a disassembly drone. making matters worse the same disassembly drone that killed her own family! Doll just looked back at her with slight discomfort, not really sure of how to take that in)

"You, wanna start a relationship...with V..?"

(Doll said with a now slight confused/blank tone, as Lizzy just looked back at her with a slight nod. Robo-god she knew this was how Doll would take it, but honestly, it's not like she could just go back now. Lizzy just took a breath, looking back at her)

"Uh..yeah, that's what I'm saying"

(She said with a slight look that said that she meant what she said, much to Doll's dismay. That's when Doll just gave a slight sigh, looking away for a moment)

"Ok, I'm alright with you and her as friends, but being in a relationship with her is, just.."

"Hey-i know what you're gonna say, but just hear me out for a minute"

(Lizzy said as Doll just looked back at her with a now slight unamused expression, she still didn't understand why her best friend-now girlfriend would want to be with a disassembly drone also)

"I have been hearing you out, until you mentioned her"

"Ok Doll, I get it, I know what you're thinking right now-"

"No, you Don't."

(Doll said as her eyes slightly narrowed a bit)

"You have no idea, what I've been thinking about, at all. I thought this would all turn out fine but, now you also want to be with someone like her"

"Doll please, just listen to what I've to say"

"I have, believe me I have been listening but now-i don't even know anymore, what do you even see in that damn murder drone-"

"The same thing I see in you!"

(Doll paused, as Lizzy's tone then got a bit stern. But her expression had stayed the same, as she just took a breath. Looking back at Doll)

"Believe it or not, you and V have so much in common, weather you both hate each other or even want to kill each other. You two act just the same, even if you both don't see it"

(Doll just looked back at her, now with slight confusion. How can her and the same monster who killed her parents be the same? Before Doll could say anything else, Lizzy then took her hand in hers, in a somewhat comforting way)

"You're probably gonna deny it all but that's just what I think, sure V may be seen as a murderer but that doesn't change how others see you now after finding out what you are"

"......I apologized for what I've done, and you, of all drones should know that"

"Yeah, and so did V. Look I might not have understand it at first but now I do, now I get it"

(Lizzy then moved closer to Doll, as Doll just looked back at her with the same slight concern/confusion)

"I don't care if you both are murderers, I don't care if you both are seen as monsters. I want to be with you, both of you"


(Doll didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to think, as she just looked back at her with the same expression. She still didn't understand why but, honestly if it makes Lizzy happy then...why not just try, and give it a shot. Doll looked away for a bit, then just gave her a slight nod)

"I...I'm still not gonna understand it but, fine. If it makes you happy then fine"

(Lizzy then looked back at her with a slight smile of relief, feeling better now that it all just worked out)

"Yeah, that does make me happy, thanks for that"

(That's when Lizzy took Doll's hand in hers, as she started heading to the exit of the colony. Out to the corpse spire)

"Now that that's settled, let's go and tell V"

"Ah-h-hey, I'm coming you don't have to drag me!"

(✨~Tiny time skip~✨)

(The two worker drones finally arrived at the corpse spire, as they both went inside. Lizzy then went over to the giant landing pod, as Doll looked around at all the worker drone Bodies and oil covering the entire structure. Robo-god is this what her place actually looks like? Guess that's what her and V have in common that she sees now, as she followed Lizzy into the landing pod)

"V! Hey I gotta talk to you, you got a minute"

"Huhn? Oh, yeah what's up"

(V was currently in the middle of devouring some random worker drone, but as lizzy and Doll came in she just looked back at them, oil dripping from her mouth and unsheathed claws as well as one of her eyes being replaced by a golden X. Both Liz and Doll took slight discomfort in it but for Doll, she didn't know why but, seeing all that oil didn't make her feel that much uncomfortable, but more..hungry? Wait-oh no, it's starting to trigger again! Lizzy just looked back at V with slight unamusement, she seemed to be used to it already)

"Ok first off, put that away. And second of all, there's something I have to talk to you about"

(V just looked back at her as Doll just went over to one of the seats nearby, as her hunger got more noticeable to V. As V then gave a slight nod, sliding the dead worker over to where Doll was. Doll then looked back at her for a brief moment, before looking away)

"so, what is it you wanna talk about?"

"Ok so, I was talking to Doll earlier, and we decided to start a poly relationship with somebody and..I was just wondering if-"

"You want me to be in your little three-way don't you?"

(Lizzy then paused, not actually expecting her to get it that quickly. As V just looked back at her with a slight neutral expression)

"I..wait a minute-how did you get that so fast?"

"There's a lot of things that disassembly drones can pick up, like how you always act differently when around me or her"

", you're saying that you're, up for it?"

(Lizzy asked with slight anticipation, as V just looked back at her with the same expression. Then gave her a slight nod)

"Sure, I don't see why not"

"I..well ok then, I guess that's just about it, huh Doll-ah! Aw c'mon Doll really?!"

(Said Lizzy as she looked back at Doll, who was already busy eating one of the arms from the dead worker drone. As Doll looked back at her with a slight nervous look)

"Now hold on, it's not my fault-i was just hungry"

"Doll how many times do you even get hungry, a day?"

(Lizzy said with a mow slight unamused tone, as V just looked back at them with a slight amused chuckle)

"Pfft-hahaha! Oh man, you two are definitely something else! I'm definitely gonna enjoy this"

"Heh..y'know what, so am I"

Aaand that's the end of chapter 2 part 2! Sorry it took me so long just to make a shorter chapter than last time, my motivation went somewhere for a long time lol

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