Chapter 5: The Abandon Pieta

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in his home and he was waiting for Ophelia was arrive here right away and he need to talk with her immediately but (Y/N) need her help to fight at the Organization and take them down by themselves and then (Y/N) was look at Galatea with Michele are playing with the children by themselves but (Y/N) was smile little bit and he saw her who was precious to him and then he saw her was the only one who he really cares about and he must protecting her and the children.

(Y/N): "Michele..." He said to his own word little bit and watch Michele who was play with Ray and Norman this make (Y/N) thinking about his parent and make him remembered his own parent playing with him but they weren't here with him.




When there was a knocking comes from the door and make him was got up from the chair and he was heading toward to the door and he was opened it and he saw Ophelia was there and make her smile with seductively.

Ophelia: "Hello, handsome.~" She said to him and she was hug him with her arms wrap around his neck and she was pulled him into kissing right away.

(Y/N): "Hello,'s your hunting trip?" He asked her.

Ophelia: "It is alright, handsome.~ I really misses you when we are going out and hunting some yomas alive." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, but there was something that we need to discuss about to come on in." He asked her and make her nod her head and then she went inside and when she saw Galatea with Michele are here and this get her surprise to see the children were here too. Then (Y/N) told the children that they need to going upstairs right away and he told the children that Galatea will stay here and watch the children and then wait for his elder son Raki got home here right away and now back to the business.

(Y/N) went to discussing with his wife Michele and Ophelia that the two of them are going with him and they are going to the field trip right away to get the Pieta because they are going to help the Claymores were defending the Pieta and helping them to fight the Awakened monsters and killing all of them.

Ophelia: "Oooh~ Interesting.~" She said to (Y/N).

Michele: "When we are leaving?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, we are leaving at...afternoon...bring your weapons and you know how the training that I gave you two how to fight right?" He asked the two of them and make them both were smile up and they want to be with him badly and then (Y/N) was look at them who were readying to fight at the Awakened forms.

Then (Y/N) with Michele are the only one were strongest to killing all every monsters by themselves and they both kill the Yomas and burning them all everything around here and this get (Y/N) was been stronger and get motivation first and burning them all. When afternoon that (Y/N) was got his black leather jacket to put on and he zipped it up right away and then (Y/N) was put his black leather gloves on and all everything that he was got on already.

When (Y/N) just sense someone else is arrive here and make him turn his head to look over there was someone here and (Y/N) definitely know the Organization or maybe send the dogs who came here to check out. Then (Y/N) was walk out of the house right away and make him got his gun out and that is Ombra and he was aiming his gun to the other direction and he was definitely know someone else is here right away and he want to see who is here first.

(Y/N): "Still hiding yourself, huh?" He asked.

???: "Take it easy and put your weapon down now." A voice sound of young feminine and make him turn to look over there and he saw the same woman had an scar on her right eye that he was defeat her before and now she is here for what?

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