Chapter 4

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Narrator POV

{Several days before}

A man with blonde hair and pointy ears is seen running through the woods and jumped really high to get to a bridge that was connecting the houses and kicked the door to his house open before saying

Elf man:TUKA!!Tuka!you need to get up right now

He said to tuka who is laying on the couch sleeping but woke up in a fright when his father was standing next to her

Tuka:What is it?

Elf man:We need to go!

Suddenly a roar of a Dragon can be heard and they looked out the window to see the Dragon that would destroy them and the Village

Tuka:A dragon...

The Dragon breath out fire killing the Elves in the village and burned the Houses and trees around them

Tuka and her father is running to go to the well


The dragon roared again and ready to attack them

They reach the well and tuka's father carried her

Elf man:You should be safe in here...

Tuka:But father!-

He smiled at her one last time before throwing her into the well and the dragon killed him

Tuka woke up from her nightmare and she was now in Clothes

Kurukawa:Good morning

Itami:oh,well well rise and shine! We're almost to camp

{meanwhile at a certain village}

Drunk man:Whaaaat?They drove away a flame dragon?

Waitress: That's right,they sure did I saw the whole thing with my own eyes

Drunk man:Your full it-

Drunk man #2:Your the worse liar Maliza

Maliza:I'm not lying!

Drunk man #3:Maybe you fell down and hit your head and had a little dream

Female knight:So Norma,What do you think?

Norma:What do I think?...The food is nutritious and the only thing worse is the drinks

Old Knight:Look Norma,we are here to conduct a plan on the way to Alnus Hill,Let's focus on the Flame dragon....

Piña:Lower your voice,Go ahead Hamilton...

Hamilton:Yes, there's a lot of talk on tbe street about a group of mercenaries in green, they evacuated the people of Koda Village, and they say they defeated a flame dragon

Norma:Ah yeah,I don't know, wyverns and Drakes and anything could easily be mistaken for something like that

Maliza:I know a flame dragon when I see one mister

Norma:Hah! You've been drinking what your selling!

Maliza: Laugh all you want but I saw what I saw

Hamilton:Ok then,the men in green who drove it away what can you tell us about them?

Maliza:hmm,not so sure about the detail

Hamilton:I think you might remember

She reached to her pockets and held out a coin to her and the waitress immediately snatch it

Maliza:Oh!Yeah you know what,I think it's coming back to me!your in for a most impressive story indeed...they came the same day of the attack or many of us wouldn't have survived...they had a magic weapon a deadly fire spear made of iron!and they rode an immense carriage of strongest stone all of them clad in green

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