Call it what you want

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A year ago James bought me a necklace that has a 'J' on it. I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he own me but cause he really knows me, which is more that they can say. At the end of the day i go home straight away because i need to study for a test i have ughh, *ring* oh Taylor's calling me (Taylor is my best friend in the whole world, I have her in all of my classes except homeroom I'm so lucky) "hey why did you call we NEVER call" i put an emphasis on never cause we only text "its about summer what are we going to do we have no plans it only in a week" oh yeah " i don't know I'll talk to you about it tomorrow" sigh and end the call as i try to get back to studying but it's just soo boring "aAaAAaaaaahhhhHHHh"i scream in frustration.  A notification pops up on my phone *package delivered* yay i rush to the front door

What this isn't my cardigan *to betty i hope you have so much fun at your dance on Friday i know how much you wanted the dress so i got it (you owe me ;)), love Taylor* oh my gosh its the dress how did she afford it. The dress is a sky blue that gets darker to a royal blue and has little sparkly jewels, in a princess style (my favourite one to spin in hehe). 


I have no idea what is wrong with Betty recently, need to focus even Taylor doesn't know which is strange. My mum was yelling at to clean my room so i guess I should do it i look under my bed and see her cardigan that was missing i guess i should give it back to her but I'll keep for now nice and my skateboard just thinking of her face once she see this makes me smile. Oh great the dance maybe that why she has been so so strange. Well maybe I'll ask her tomorrow everyone is in the living room so i sneak out past them a girl is walking past our house  she is from school but Betty's not friends with her she is in our home room oh yeah her name is Augustine "hi Augustine" she awkwardly smiles at me i see her in the halls sometime as well. 


I was passing James's house i only know him because of Este (who's friends with Taylor) I mean Taylor and i are kind of friends i think She always smiles at me but Betty I'm not sure she like a mirror ball  trying everything to you looking at her in the nicest way possible but she'll also show you every version of yourself. I need to go to the dress shop Este and i are going together cause we have no dates. "All these dresses are to over the top" i say looking through all of the poofy dresses "Auggie i foUnd some more simple dresses that you might like" este say smiling "i might need to leave early i have a shift at work" este frowns "OH MY GOSH" i say running over to the perfect dress it has a corset top and is flowy plus its white "how much is is this dress"i say trying to mask the pure happiness " on sale $700" damn a steal i pay for the dress after trying it on practically skipping down the store este can't keep up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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