The story

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Kaylee's story is basically known, Tiffany wanted to adopt Lilee but since she found out Lilee had another 3 siblings, she decided not to separate them and adopt all four. Lilly a 3 year old, Kenadie (Saidee's old name) a 2 year old, Kayla a 1 year old and Peyton (Luke's old name) a baby.
Kaylee was to young to remember anything from her old house and her mom but she knows that the environment wasn't healthy and even abusive some times. When she got adopted she changed her name from Kayla to Kaylee to fit in with the tradition of the Nelson girls. And that's basically how Kaylee became Kaylee Nelson. Kaylee is now a 15 year old girl with 16 other siblings and things get hectic, fighting is happening all the time but the good and happy times always overpower the bad ones. So stick around to see how it is to live with so many siblings and being a YouTube star.

*Just to clarify these chapters will be based on videos they make and I will make a story off of that

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