Messy locker clean-out

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I woke up,grabbed my phone and went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Morning" I said to Lilee, Dad and Delaynee who were in the kitchen when I walked in
"Good morning kid, me and Delaynee are of to football practice so we'll see you later" Dad said and opened the door
"Okay bye Dad, bye Laynee" I told them
"Bye Kaylee" They both said
"Morning" Lilee said as she was pulling out some ingredients
"What are you making ?" I asked her
"A smoothie bowl. Do you want one ?"
"I'd love one thanks Lilee"
"No problem" She said and then Mom walked in the kitchen
I pulled out my phone to check my dms and sure enough Louis had send me a good morning text. He does that every morning. I texted him back and asked him what he was up to today.
"Who got you smiling like that ?" Lilee asked me catching me off guard.
"No one" I said and motioned over to Mom. Thankfully Lilee got the hint and didn't say anything else.
"Spill right now" She said when Mom was gone
"So this is what I have been wanting to tell you since Maui. Do you remember back when we were playing truth or dare in the hotel to go see Jaine ?"
"Yeah I remember"
"Saidee asked me who was the bast looking boy in our school and I told her Louis from her grade. So she sent a text to his friends and I don't know exactly what she said but she gave them my number and they gave Louis my number. And then when we were in Maui he send me a text and we started talking and we haven't stopped since"
"Oh my gosh I can't believe this ! You are actually talking to a boy ! Kaylee that's so great"
"I know and he is so cute he texts me good morning and good night every single day and he always says how he can't wait to meet me. Oh and he is always complimenting me"
"Kaylee is in looooveeee" She said making a heart with her hands
"Okay I am not in love. But I do like him a lot. The problem is that even if it goes well and he does end up asking me out I can't date him till my birthday, which is in 5 months"
"Oh that's right I forgot about that. But I mean we have plenty of time to think about that you guys just started talking"
"Yeah you're right"
"I am so happy for you though"
"I am so happy for me too"
Then our smoothies were ready so we ate and then we went upstairs to get ready for cheer. When I was ready I went to Lilee's room
"Hey I'm ready" I said walking in
"Okay I am almost done go check if Nayvee and Paislee are ready and meet me in the kitchen" Lilee said and I left to Nayvee's room and knocked on the door.
"Come in"
"It's me are you ready for cheer ?"
"Yeah I'm ready"
"Okay let's go get Paislee"
*Knock knock*
"Come in" Paislee said when we knocked on her door
"You ready for cheer ?" I asked her walking in
"Yeah just let me get my bag" She grabbed her bag and we went downstairs to the kitchen. Lilee was there waiting and so was Mom
"Girls before you leave I just want to tell you that after cheer we are going to film so don't be late okay ?"
"Okay" They all said
"What are we filming ?" I asked
"Locker clean-up" Mom said
"Alright bye Mom"
"Bye girls have fun"
Cheer practice was really good but very tiring. When we were back home we went upstairs, showered and got ready to film. This is the outfit of the day:

After I was ready I went downstairs and helped Lilee who was stacking our snacks drawers for the school year, which most likely won't last us even for half the year

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After I was ready I went downstairs and helped Lilee who was stacking our snacks drawers for the school year, which most likely won't last us even for half the year.
"KayLee come here" Mom called me
"Is it my turn ?" I asked
"Yep and you're a tough one"
"I know I can't keep my locker clean, there no system that will ever help me keep it clean for more that a month"
"I think this one will help you keep it clean a little longer"
"I guess I have nothing to lose" I said and started cleaning out. Then I put some cute stickers, a hanger for my bag some pencil cases and organising boxes, a book holder and then I started putting my stuff in. When we were done it looked pretty dang good
"I swear this is the best my locker has ever looked" I said
"I agree with that. Do you think you can keep it this way ?" Mom asked and I shook my head negatively
"Why not ?" Mom said
"Cause I can't keep it clean. After a while I can't be bothered to think about the state of my locker anymore"
"Okay, if you can keep it clean till December, you get an extra present for Christmas"
"Till December ? That's way too long moooom"
"Do it or no present"
After filming I had nothing to do so I decided to go get Paislee so we can do something together
I went to her room and knocked on her door.
"Come in"
"Hi Paiz wanna do something ?"
"Sure what ?"
"I was thinking we could get Luke's golf card and go to the ice cream shop"
"You have such great ideas Kaylee let's go"
"Should we get anyone else ?"
"We can take Delaynee or Ellecee"
"Let's take both of them and Preslee"
"No not Presleeeeee"
"Don't tell me you guys are fighting again"
"Kaylee it's not my fault she is so annoying"
"Paislee I think you are overreacting and besides you're the oldest you should just let it go sometimes"
"I honestly don't get that because I am the oldest I have to step back even tho I am in the right"
"Listen Paislee you have a lot of older siblings and they have let you get away with a ton of things because the were older ,including me, so now you have to do the same"
"I guess Preslee's time is gonna come soon too"
"Exactly but until then, be the bigger person"
We went outside at the trampoline where Ellecee Preslee Delaynee Beckham and Ledger were all playing
"Hey guys" Paislee said as we approached
"Hi" Everyone said
"Girls will you come with us for a minute ?" I told them
"Sure" They said and we went back in the house"
"We are taking the golf cart and going to the ice cream shop wanna come with ?" I told them
"And Preslee I am sorry and I hope we can move on from this" Paislee said before they could answer
"I'd love to go" Delaynee said
"I'll come" Ellecee said
"Okay" Preslee said and they all run and sat on the back of the golf cart
"I'm proud of you Paiz" said and hugged her
"Thank you" She said and then we got on the golf cart and drove off
When we arrived we jumped off the golf cart and went inside to order our ice cream
"What does everyone want ?" I asked them
"I want chocolate" Ellecee said
"I want cookies and cream" Delaynee said
"Me too" Paislee said
"I want vanilla with sprinkles" Preslee said
"Alright then" I said and went to order everything's and I got salted caramel for myself cause that is the Top G flavor you can't tell me otherwise.
We all got our ice creams, sat on a table and devoured them. After we were done we talked for a while and then we jumped back on the golf cart and headed back home. When we arrived I told all the girls to go inside so I can park the golf cart. However, Kass and Josh had also parked so there was a very tight space for me to park and Lilee's car was right behind me. So as I went to back up, I backed up a little more than I should've and I scratched Lilee's car. I went to check on it and there was a scratch on her car. A small one but still a scratch on a new very expensive car. I parked the golf cart and rushed back home to find Mom. Lilee was out with her friends and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours. I found Mom in the living room.
"Mom I did something that I didn't mean to and I feel really bad and guilty"
"What happened ?"
"I hit Lilee's car with the golf cart" I said and I started crying
"Oh no how did it happened ?" Mom asked
"I tried to park the golf cart but it was really tight cause kass's car is parked and I just backed up more that I should and then I scratched her car"
"Okay calm down let's go see it"
"She is gonna kill me"
"She's not gonna kill you"
"There that's it" I told mom as I showed her the scratch
"Okay it's not that bad"
"Mom what do we do"
"You have to tell her, do you want to call her ?"
"No I'll wait till she comes back"
We went back home and I put my head in my hands on the kitchen counter
"She is gonna be so mad"
"I can't promise you anything right now but I honestly don't think she will be mad at you"
I just sat there crying for a few moments when Saidee walked in
"Hey eveyone" She said and then she realised that I was crying
"What's going on ? Why is she crying ?" She asked worried
Nobody talked
"Kaylee what's wrong you can tell me "
"She hit Lilee's car with the golf cart" Mom said
"You hit Lilee's car ?" Saidee asked widening her eyes
I nodded and cried even more
"It's okay, don't cry" She said and hugged me
"It's not okay she is going to kill me" I said
"You're Kaylee there is no way she is going to be mad at you" Saidee said
Paislee and Preslee then came downstairs
"What's wrong ?" Paislee asked me and Saidee whispered to her and Preslee
"Are you gonna tell her ?" Preslee asked
"I have to tell her, I think she will be more mad if I don't tell her at all and she finds out months later" I said
"Can you call her and ask her when she will be back ?" I asked Mom
"Yeah sure"
She called Lilee and put it on speaker
"Hey Lils what time are you coming home ?"
"Umm in about an hour why ?"
"Nothing just wanted to know"
"Okay... bye"
"Bye honey"
Then she hang up
"Mom now she is definitely suspicious !" Saidee said
"Well we couldn't call her without making her suspicious" Mom said
Like half hour passed by and nobody was talking. I was just sitting there crying and worrying, thinking about what the heck I will say to her
"Is anyone else hungry ?" Paislee asked and everyone agreed
"I am not hungry" I said
They made some sandwiches to eat and by the time they were done eating Lilee was home. At this point everybody knew what was going on and they were in the kitchen and the living room to see how it goes
"She's here" Preslee who was looking out the window said
"Oh no" I said
She walked in and she saw me crying and everyone in there
"What's going on ?" She asked and nobody talked
"Why is she crying? Kaylee what's the matter ?" She said worried and came over to me
"I kind of scratched your car and I am so sorry I didn't mean it" I said and hugged her crying
"What ?" She asked in shock
"Is this a prank ? How is she crying so much ?" Lilee asked
"It's not a prank she actually hit your car" Mom said
"Is it bad ?" Lilee asked
"I can show you" Mom said and they went out
"Well now she knows" Preslee said
"Preslee shut it" Nayvee said
They came back moments later
"I am really sorry Lilee" I said
"It's okay, don't worry. It's not even that bad" She said to my surprise
"See I told you she wouldn't be mad. She has been sitting here crying for the past two hours" Mom said
"I would be mad if she was bratty about it and all but I know you genuinely feel sorry so I am not mad" Lilee said and hugged me
"When I walked in here and saw you crying I got so scared I thought something happened to you"
Lilee said
"Yeah same I walked in here and she was crying her eyes out and I was like what the heck happened" Saidee said
"Do you guys want to go see a movie ?" Nayvee asked and we all said yes. We went upstairs to the movie room and put on 'Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse'. After the movie was done we decided to just sleep in the movie room so we talked for a while and eventually fell asleep. I swear everyday is a crazy day in this house.

Yes I copied Nayvee hitting Kass's car video I saw it recently and I thought it was a great idea for a chapter. Hope you enjoyed

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