4: injury

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[i really wanna make a fic on itadori bc hes so cute 😍😍

btw, im absolutely down bad for Shoko Ieiri 🤤 @functionalism and @cookingcrack would understand :p]



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-you spat at Okkotsu as both of you ran laps for slacking off in PE. Okkotsu sighed and frowned dramatically while giving you puppy eyes. "I do?"

"Shut up; you're the reason we're running laps right now," you grumbled at him. Your legs began to grow limp, and your lungs were killing you with every second as you had been running ever since five minutes after the lesson started.

You were coping pretty well, that was until you felt yourself trip on your undone laces onto the hard floor. A loud grunt escaped your mouth once you landed on your arm, bruising and scraping it badly.

You laid there, squinting your eyes tightly while wincing in pain as Okkotsu knelt down at you to check if your injury. "[Name]! Are you okay?!" He waved a hand over your face while his eyes displayed a look of concern.

"Does it look like I am!?"

He picked you up to your feet and helped you limp towards Gojo, who happened to be talking to Maki and convincing her to join the cross-country club. "Oh my! What happened?" He fixed his sunglasses and looked at you and Okkotsu in confusion and concern.

"She tripped on her shoe laces; please give us permission to go to the nurse!" Okkotsu spoke in a panicked rushed tone. His voice appeared more high-pitched than before, and his facial features showed concern.

"Of course! But are you gonna make her limp all the way there?" Gojo raised his eyebrow as he looked at the great distance between the sports field and the nurse's office. "You might wanna carry her," Gojo suggested while examining your injured arm and bruised leg.

Okkotsu was hesitant; it was evident in his eyes. But before he could agree, Maki rose up and lowered herself for you. "I'll take her there; you can go back," she insisted, her tone appearing serious and stern.

Am I dreaming?

Maki carried you to the nurse's office while you relaxed on her back, singing happily and letting yourself enjoy the moment. Maki side-eyed you and sighed to herself, wondering why you were so happy despite being in pain.

"Why're you so happy?" She inquired.

"'Cause my wife is carrying me, and we're going to Shoko's office," you beamed. Maki mentally facepalmed herself, realizing that it was because she was carrying you. Of course it was. But what she didn't understand was why you were excited to go to Shoko's office.

"Shoko's office, what's so exciting about that?"

"Why would you ask me that when the answer is obvious..." You raised your eyebrow, expecting Maki to already know the answer.

"I really don't know?"

"Well, it's because I get to see Shoko's fine ass."

Silence came by as Maki processed your words. She turned her head to get a look at your straight face. You weren't lying. "Are you being serious?" Maki stared at your deadpan expression in confusion. "Of course I am! Shoko is so fine! I want her to-" Maki threw a hand over your mouth before you could say anything out of line. Your eyes widened at that moment, and your face began burning up.

Maki's hand is on my mouth... Maki's hand is on my mouth... Maki's hand is on my mouth... Maki's hand is on my mouth... Maki's hand is on my mouth... calm down... calm down... calm down... calm down... calm down... calm down... calm down...

"Your face is warm; do you have a fever?" She asked as she checked your temperature. You remained silent, as you stared at her pretty hand that previously covered your mouth. "No... I'm alright."

Maki raised her brow at your obvious lie but brushed it off. "Alright then.""Hold still for a minute," Shoko spoke as she pushed her office chair towards you, holding onto a cotton pad drenched in disinfectant. You flinched as you stared at the cotton pad, preparing yourself for the pain you were about to experience.

Maki looked at you, hands in her PE shorts pockets while she sat down on one of the chairs thrown in between you. Your eyes met with hers, and before you knew it, you grabbed onto her forearm as the pain of the disinfectant reacting to your open bruise hit you.

"You look so pretty today, Maki," you blurted out before letting out a wince of pain. If it wasn't already obvious, you were clearly spitting out anything that came into your mind to distract yourself from the pain.


"I don't know; you're just so perfect! I can't believe you don't have a girlfriend or a wife already."

"Thanks again?"

"Maki! You're so pretty!"

"Thank you? But why are you telling me-"

"AAAH! THAT HURTS LET GO, LET GO LET GOOO!" You screamed once she hit a sensitive spot on your skin. She finished off and took the now bloody cotton off your skin. You finally let out a sigh of relief once the process was finished.

Shoko finally placed a few plasters onto your bleeding area and finished off. "All done." She took off her surgical gloves and disposed of them before opening the door to her office for you both to leave. "You're both free to leave... unless you have any other concerns."

You both shook your heads and left the office to head back for PE.

On your way back, Maki still carried you insisting it was best for you as you were still injured. You didn't raise any objections though, having Maki carry you around was undeniably fun. More especially because it helped you both build your friendship as you conversed.

As Maki carried you on your back, you began to slowly fall. Maki stopped and fixed your position. For that moment, you felt yourself stop breathing once you realized where Maki's hands were sitting. Your face burned hot, and your heart pounded against your chest.

"Hey are you okay? You suddenly stopped talking?" She asked, slightly squishing your cheek to get your attention.

"Yeah! I'm doing just fine! Just... my arm."

"Oh, right."

No! Your hand is on my ass and you expect me to be okay?!

The tension was heavy in the air, as she carried you to the sports field once again. You couldn't get your mind off her hand placement on your body. Maki stopped by the benches and placed you onto it carefully. You let out a breath of relief once Maki's hands were off your lower area.

"Rest; I'll come pick you up later."

"I can walk, y'know..." You chuckled.

"Don't care, didn't ask... I'm going back now."


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