2: awkward encounter

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[I have a cold rn and I'm tryna entertain myself rather than spending 2+ hours on making oc x itadori art and studying 💀

-> Also Maki is taller than you in this fic so if you don't fw that then i suggest you leave 🤷🏾‍♀️]



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- you muttered to yourself as you stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. You adjusted your blue school tie, which had taken you about four tries to get right, and then left the bathroom to gather your things for school.

Your younger siblings sat at the dining table, eating their cereal messily while your mother packed everyone's lunch for the day. The house was unusually peaceful; typically, your younger brother and sister would be arguing over leftover cereal or something even dumber.

"I gotta go now," you said as you placed your lunch into your bag, slung it over your back, and grabbed its straps before heading out of the house.

"Alright then, stay safe!" your mom smiled at you as she watched you put on your shoes hastily and took your bicycle, which was parked by the entrance. You waved goodbye to your younger siblings and mother before leaving the house.

The morning was slightly chilly, but luckily, you had brought a scarf to keep warm outside. The scarf fluttered in the wind as your bicycle sped past a few vehicles. You passed the school bus, filled with bored students waiting for the traffic to clear. When they saw you, their eyes widened with amusement, wishing they could get to school as quickly as you.

"Is that [Name]?" Fushiguro asked Itadori, whose head rested on his shoulder. Itadori peered outside and spotted your bicycle in the distance. "Damn it! We should ride our bicycles too, Fushiguro!" Itadori grumbled at the pace of the bus. Fushiguro gazed into Itadori's eager eyes and nodded. "Fine by me."

You finally arrived at school after an enjoyable ride. Music blared in your earphones as you locked up your bicycle and walked into the large school building. You navigated your way through the cluttered hallways casually while searching for your locker. Couples made out by their lockers, and two students were arguing over who knows what. Your school was undoubtedly the epitome of chaos and an absolute mess.

"Can't believe the weekend went by so fast," your friend Nobara appeared from behind you. Your heart skipped a beat as you tossed your earphones aside and jumped back in fear. "Damn, did I scare you that badly?"

"Shut up, you saw nothing," you mumbled in embarrassment as you stashed your belongings into your locker. Nobara laughed for a moment and then placed her hand on your shoulder. "I should've recorded that!"

"Stop laughing!"

"Whatever, good morning, my love," she grinned and kissed your cheek. You pushed her away, folded your arms, and looked down at her shorter stature. "Don't 'my love' me... I don't want to hear that after you damn near had me almost lose my shit," you grumbled.

"Awww, how cute," she grinned as she playfully pinched your cheeks. You deadpanned, watching her, before scoffing and turning away. "Give me a break."

Shortly after, your other two best friends, Itadori and Fushiguro, joined your conversation. Itadori seemed impressed by your previous bike ride and wasn't going to let it go without getting answers. "How long have you been riding?" he asked as he got in your face. You backed up and shook your head. "Not telling."


"'Cause you was talking all that shit in the DMs, so you don't deserve an answer," you playfully stuck your tongue out. Itadori frowned and began to fake cry. You groaned and pushed him by his chest, causing him to dramatically fall backward into Fushiguro's arms. "It's too early for this, Itadori," Fushiguro sighed as he helped the boy stand up straight.

"You two always fight like a married couple... are you sure you're not into each other or something?" Nobara narrowed her eyes at you, watching your lips curl into a smile. You sighed as you looked at Itadori, whose face was flushed red from the tip of his ears to the tip of his nose. "Oh my gosh, I don't like Yu!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Kugisaki! [Nickname] is just my childhood friend and all," he spoke in a flustered tone as you facepalmed.

Your conversation was interrupted by a loud group of students passing by. Your eyes met with one of them: golden eyes and short, seaweed-coloured hair bouncing to the rhythm of her steps. A taller, more muscular student followed behind her.

"Mai! Let's ask that kid over there," Todo pointed toward your friend Fushiguro. You all looked on in confusion but also with curiosity about their intentions. "Oh, hey, [Name]," Mai waved with a smile on her lips. You waved back, still confused about what business they had with you.

Todo stood right in front of Fushiguro, bent his head down, and looked into his dark eyes. "Fushiguro... What's your type in women?" he plainly asked. "What?" You, Nobara, and Fushiguro raised your eyebrows at Todo's question.

"Why are you asking me this? Who are you anyway?" Fushiguro inquired, his face showing a hint of nervousness. "I'm Todo Aoi, and you're Fushiguro Megumi. I'm looking for friends, so based on your answer, I'll decide whether to consider you a friend or not," Todo briefly explained. He placed his hands in his pockets while giving Fushiguro a stern look. "I don't care if you like boys too."

"And, for the record, I like tall girls with huge boobs."

"I... I don't have a type... as long as a person is compassionate, then that's fine," Fushiguro replied, slowly backing away from Todo, his back nearing your locker. Todo stared, his face seemingly emotionless, before his eyes watered, and a tear fell from his eye.

"I knew it. Fushiguro... You're boring," he sighed as he walked away. However, his spirits were lifted when Itadori stepped in front of him. He looked right into Todo's sad eyes, both of them maintaining eye contact for a moment before Itadori broke the silence.

"I'm Yuji Itadori, and I like tall girls with big ass," he stated.


Todo's expression brightened as he broke into a smile, tears of joy streaming down his face. Itadori smiled, and you all watched the boys exchange understanding glances before breaking into a hug. "Yuji! My brother!"

"What the hell is going on with them?" you facepalmed. Mai sighed and turned to face you, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki. She erased her disappointed look and replaced it with a pleased one as she looked at Fushiguro. "Thank goodness. If you had said something like 'big ass and boobs,' I was going to kill myself," Mai smiled while Nobara nodded in agreement.

"Mai, what are you doing?"

That voice?

Your eyes met a pair of golden ones, instantly recognizing her as soon as you caught a glimpse of her face. Your neutral expression broke into excitement, and your lips curled into a radiant smile when you saw her standing standing tall behind Mai.

"Maki?" Mai turned around.

"Quit bothering the second years," Maki sighed as she placed her hand on her sister's shoulder. Her gaze shifted from Fushiguro's to Kugisaki's before finally landing on yours. "It's 7 in the morning, and they have business studies as their first subject."

"I'm not a second year..." you awkwardly stated, your voice nervous and excited as the morning drowsiness dissipated. "Who are you?" Maki raised her eyebrows. Her voice sounded a bit harsh to you, causing your social anxiety to form.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know what I look like.

You swallowed hard as you nervously smiled at her. "[Name]..." you said, and Maki processed your name before brightening up for a moment. Her golden eyes widened, and a small smirk appeared on her lips. "Really? Didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Uh huh... Yeah... me too..." you stammered. Her presence was undeniably intimidating, especially given her height advantage over you. Well, she wasn't exactly that tall, but you felt more intimidated because you had to look up at her slightly.

Your two friends dispersed, along with Mai, leaving you and Maki to chat as the pre-school hours passed.

"So, what are you so nervous about? You seemed really excited online," she raised an eyebrow, her smirk becoming more confident and cocky. You sighed shakily, looking away from her. "No reason... Everyone has their online personas."

"Riiiight... Clearly," she laughed.

"But damn, you're even prettier than I expected," she checked you out, her confidence evident in her body language and the way she spoke. It made her even more attractive than she already was. "Uh... thanks... You're really pretty too," you felt your face heat up as your smile widened. "And tall..."

"Stop being so nervous... I really don't bite," she sighed as her hand reached out to your shoulder. "What's your first subject?" She asked, her gaze locked onto yours.

"I think I have Geography... You?"

"Oh? I have Geography too."

"Really?! Why don't we walk there together after homeroom?"


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