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We reached home but my parents were asleep. They've always been early sleepers. I go to my room and it was the same as I left it. To be fair it's only been like 3 months so it would be concerning if it wasn't. I looked in my closet and it was the clothes I barely wore. I then got a notification from pedri.


Have you reached?

Hey. Yeah I have. Are you all settled?

Yeah I'm good. Did your parents miss you?

No they're asleep.

Oh. Well I'm a bit jet lagged and can't sleep. Do you wanna go out?

Now? It's like 3 am.

Cmon I'm only here for 3 days.

Goodnight pedri.

Okay fine. Goodnight amara.


I woke up to my mom kissing my cheek. "what are you doing" I say opening my eyes. "get up it's the afternoon" she says. "What?" I check my phone. "It's literally 8 am what are you saying" I say now sitting up. "Cmon your dads waiting for you".

I go shower and ready for the day. I put on random clothes I found in my closet and did light makeup.

"Hello" I say to my dad.

"Finally you've woken up" he says hugging me

"Well you guys didn't even try staying awake for me"

"Okay well breakfasts ready so forgive me?"

"Yes fine" I say admiring the food on the table.

"So anything new?" My mom asks while serving us all the grilled tomatoes.

"Tell them" Lena says.

"Tell us what?" My parents say in-sync

"Uhm" I say struggling to form a sentence to tell them.

"I have a boyfriend. And I want you to meet him" I say embarrassed.

"Oh. Yes we know of him" my mom says

"Wait you do?" Me and my sister say confused

"Yes. You think we don't have phones. You're always on the news with gavi or pedri" she says.

"Oh.. why didn't you tell me?"

"Because we wanted to hear it from you" my dad added

"Where is he?" he asks

"He's at his hotel"

"That's really impolite. We never taught you manners like this. You brought him here and you don't even offer a place to stay" he says looking offended.

"Sorry I thought you'd get mad if I told you I had a boyfriend"

"Boyfriend or not. You don't strand someone you know especially in a foreign place. Call him now." He demands

Mirage de l'amour (mirage of love)Where stories live. Discover now