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Minghao's irritation with Junhui had been simmering for a while, and today it seemed to have reached its boiling point. As he sat at his usual spot in the bustling high school cafeteria, his friends Jeonghan, Chan, and Seungkwan noticed the dark cloud that hung over him. But just a few tables away, Junhui and his friends were engrossed in their own laughter and seemed to be having a great time, oblivious to the storm brewing nearby.

"Junhui is so annoying," Minghao muttered, his voice a low growl as he sent a scathing look in Junhui's direction. Junhui and his friends continued to laugh, seemingly unaware that they were the subject of Minghao's frustration.

Jeonghan sighed, rolling his eyes, and Chan exchanged a knowing glance with Seungkwan. They had been through this before, and they knew exactly what was coming.

Seungkwan, with an exasperated tone, asked, "What is it now, Minghao?"

Minghao wasted no time in launching into his complaints about Junhui, barely pausing to take a breath. "I swear, he's just insufferable. Did you see the way he acted in class today? It's like he thinks he's the smartest person in the room, always trying to one-up everyone."

Chan chimed in with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, what a shocker! Junhui being good at something? Unheard of!"

Seungkwan shook his head in mock disbelief, and with a touch of humor, he couldn't resist poking fun at Minghao's continuous rants about Junhui. "What's he done this time, Minghao? Stolen your lunch money?"

Minghao's frustration grew as his friends seemed more annoyed by his complaints than sympathetic. "No, but he might as well have!" he retorted, feeling like he was being misunderstood.

As Minghao continued to vent about Junhui, Junhui and his friends continued to enjoy their meal and laughter, seemingly unfazed by the brewing storm at the nearby table. The cafeteria buzzed with mingling voices, providing a stark contrast to the tension that had settled between Minghao and Junhui.

Minghao sighed deeply, as if this was a grievance he had been harboring for a long time. "You know, he's always so... I don't know, arrogant? He acts like he's better than everyone else."

Chan interjected, his voice tinged with disbelief, "That's weird. Junhui has always been nice to me. He even helped me with my math homework last week."

Seungkwan, with an almost dreamy expression on his face, continued to gush about Junhui, undeterred by Minghao's annoyance. "I mean, seriously, Minghao, you're missing out. Junhui is the full package. He's not just good-looking and funny; he's also incredibly kind and thoughtful. Remember when he helped me out with that English project last month? I owe him big time for that."

Chan, amused by the entire situation, decided to playfully prod Seungkwan further. "Seungkwan, I've never seen you this enthusiastic about someone before. Are you sure you don't have a little crush on Junhui?"

Seungkwan, living up to his diva reputation, threw his hands up dramatically. "And what's wrong with having a crush? What's wrong with appreciating someone's finer qualities?"

The table erupted into laughter once again, and even Minghao couldn't help but crack a small smile at Seungkwan's antics. Jeonghan, who had been silently observing the back-and-forth, finally spoke up with a hint of amusement. "Alright, alright, let's give it a rest, you two. Minghao's entitled to his opinion, and Seungkwan, you can continue swooning over Junhui in your own time."

Minghao's frustration had reached its peak as he stood up abruptly in the middle of the crowded cafeteria, his chair screeching loudly against the floor. "I can't take this anymore," he muttered to himself, his irritation palpable.

I HATE HIM / Junhao One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now