Episode 28

907 15 26

Brown Cameraman's POV,

Another 6 weeks of training..

I've gotten a few close calls against Amanos..

Almost winning against him feels incredible..

But in the end I'm on the ground as his Toilet was on top of my body. I quickly push him off using Wrym Enhancer..

I've gotten a better name for this..

Enhancer MK1

It's basically what I use it for most of the time now..

To enhance the other's abilities of this Exoskeleton.

But for some reason I feel like that's not all. But in the end it's drawback overwhelms me over time.

But hey at least I have a viable way of using it. Currently I'm on a break as I watch SpeakerWoman play with the small radio child in front of her.

She calls him "our" child. But we just found him during our random trips around the city. She basically adopted the kid. It feels nice. We call him "Radio"

I see Radio walk over to me before pulling out a stick and poking me repeatedly trying to get a reaction. He uses his head like SpeakerWoman.

He spoke out using different old timey songs.

"React~ To! Me..."

I don't know to either be happy or grateful. But hey I'm technically the Dad. So I pick him up and place him on my lap and continued to sit down watching TV.

In Radio's Eyes he had a few family members.

I was the Dad, SpeakerWoman was the Mom, Skibidi Friend is the Cool Uncle. Amanos and Nucleus are the cool grand uncles. Blugray and Dafuq are the Grandfathers.

He's known around town as a nice kid. Really nice. Unnaturally nice. Makes me question what happens if he actually lost his cool..

I mean Radios can easily act like disorienting devices. Maybe he can EMP people?

Either way here we are. Just chilling Radio threw his stick at the wall making another hole. I make a sigh sound before standing up and putting him on the couch. SpeakerWoman was staring at what we now call..

"The Hole Wall."

It was covered in stick sized holes. Radio was in the background playing with another Stick he found.

"Do you think we should stop.. Giving him sticks?"

I spoke out rubbing the "Hole" wall. SpeakerWoman shook her head seemingly unfazed by the fact there are numerous stick sized holes on the wall.

"He can do what he wants! As long as he doesn't hurt anyone we like!"

I sighed. It's like I'm taking care of 2 children. And one of them is my "Wife" per say.

I look at the time.

"Keep an Eye on Radio alright? Amanos must be waiting for me now."

I leave my apartment as I give the two a hug. I walk to the Elevator. Nucleus from what I heard is currently doing his monthly power sourcing. To lessen the radiation in his head. And send it through the power lines of the City.

Basically the Skull Toilets are walking and willing batteries. Since they basically self sustain Nuclear Energy. Which is both terrifying and amazing..

I walk to the busy streets of Nyom City. Looking at the many people driving.. Themselves?

I never really understood how they can just.. Drive Air?

I walk to the training grounds tightening my gloves around my hands before suddenly..

The ground rumbled as I look towards the borders of Nyom City.. Black Smoke suddenly covered the middle of the City before..

The Scientist Toilet came out with much more advanced upgrades as G-Toilet came in through the border he broke down.

I turn to my right seeing.. The Alliance coming in..


They're gonna- right here??!?



I didn't know but all I knew is.

I gotta get home.


I disappear leaving a crater and a bright red trail of lightning. As I fly up into my Apartment seeing SpeakerWoman and Radio looking at me.

I got inside and picked them both up.

"We need to get to the shelter."

I heard her speak. I nodded picking them both up and before I could do anything Radio ran into his room grabbing his Camara Toy. I make a sigh sound and held them both tight. As I flew out dodging both Skibidi Toilet and Alliance attacks. I see Titan Cameraman tackle Scientist as Titan SpeakerMan shot at G-Toilet. I kept flying before suddenly a bright blue trail hit me sending me and my "family" down to the ground. I stood up looking up at..

Plunger. He looked much more upgraded.

I hear numerous smoke teleportation sounds I look behind me. I see TV Woman with 2 TV Screens on her shoulders. With a speaker on her chest. And a Jetpack booster on her back. SpeakerWoman stood up getting ready to fight. I see Skibidi Friend fly towards us. I look up at him.

"Get Radio out of here."

Skibidi Friend Nodded taking Radio using his hook hands before moving fast. Plunger tried to follow him as if trying to find where the Humans might be. But I flew up fast kicking him down as my Lens shone bright red.

"You aren't touching him."

I've only had Radio for 5 weeks.. But I'll kill everyone in the city if he gets hurt just once. I'll kill everyone then myself if he dies.

If the family I've have right now.

Die. It will break me.. It will hurt me.. Oh so much.. But...

I won't let that happen..

Not. A. Chance.


Author's Note,

Still studying during Midterms lol.

Gen Math is hard as hell.


Stay Frosty software gang!

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