Chapter One

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Cold water splashed on her face, taking her breath. Bags under her eyes and redness blistering inside showed the lack of sleep she had been getting. Jason and Lexie had been together for over three years, and she loved him from the moment they met. Things had changed though drastically. It all began the night of the state championship game last year.

The crowd roared in the stands as Jason paced back and forth in the locker room. This was his shot at making it big. There were scouts in the crowd there to watch him, and the thought both excited him and stressed him out. His father had been baring down on him too to win, which didn't help. 

“Jason lets go they need you out there. Your the captain, and your team need you” Coach Roberts relayed as he opened the door to his office.

“You got this, dont sweat it.” he encouraged as he noticed the sweat and stress on Jasons face. 

“Yeah yeah I know.” he said as he let out a frustrated breath. It was one thing for him to know he was stressed but an entirely different situation for people to see him stressed.

The entire reason he was more or less hiding in the coaches office was so others didn't see him freaking out. With a calming breath and a determined smile plastering his face, he finally entered the locker room. His team looked more nervous than he was five minutes ago. The coach was right they needed him.

“Whats with all the doom and gloom faces? We've made it to the big one, and we are going to go out there and crush those devils!” he roared. The men rose to their feet with new looks of excitement and fury on their faces. They had lost to the devils multiple times in the previous years, and they didn't want tonight to be another one. 

“We have been preparing for this for months, and I know they have won in the past, but we got this. Tonight we are going to show those fuckers who really owns this field!” he shouted as the team circled around him. It was like a moment in a movie and he couldnt believe he was living it. 

“All hands in Blue Jays on three. One…Two…Three BLUE JAYS” the teams roared before begining to file out of the locker room Jason leading the heard.

Lexie waited nervously in the stands for Jason to emerge from the lockers. This night was huge for him and she was just as nervous. She knew if they lost that game he was going to be crushed and she didnt know if she would be able to pick up the pieces and put him back together. It was only his junior year but he had come so far that scouts were already looking to see him.

A hand rubbed her leg making her jump in fright. She had been so lost in thought she didnt hear her best friend Rebecca trying to get her attention next to her. 

“Lexie hes got this girl dont stress” She said comfortingly before embrassing her in a hug.

“I know but thank you for that it helps” Lexie said with a smile as she hugged her back.

The crowd erruptted around them as the men burst out onto the field. She joined them standing and screaming at the top of her lungs with them. She used to be down on the field cheering with the cheerleaders but Jason said it was too distracting for him and she didnt want to be the reason they lost yet again. He still made efforts to find her eyes in the crowd every game and this one was no different. His eyes met hers as he smiled and raised his helmet like a glass mentally cheering her mind. Youve got this and I love you she mouthed as she blew a kiss in his direction. He smiled and mouthed I love you too. 

Boos began as the Devils rushed onto the field. This was the Blue Jays home terf and no one wanted to see the Devils. It didnt seem to deter them as they continued on their way across the field. She couldnt see what was said but seeing Jason suddenly tense made it obvious trash talking was ensuing. She just prayed he didnt let it get to him. The same captain that was on the Devils was the one who had been Jasons rivel all these years. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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