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Y/n's Pov

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Y/n's Pov

I was engrossed in the pages of "The History of Magic" by Bathilda Bagshot, each word a thread in the tapestry of wizarding lore I was weaving within my mind. The room was bathed in a warm, golden glow from the sputtering candles, and the quiet rustle of parchment filled the air.

A gentle knock on the door pulled me from my reverie. "May I come in, Y/n?" My mother's voice, always soft and comforting, reached my ears. "Yes, Mother," I replied, setting the book down and turning to face her.

She entered, her presence bringing with it an aura of maternal warmth. Taking a seat beside me on the bed, she regarded me with a mixture of pride and concern. "Are you prepared for tomorrow, darling?" she inquired, her gaze searching mine.

A playful smirk danced on my lips. "Of course, Mother. I was practically born ready," I said, attempting to inject a bit of levity into the moment. I knew that she harbored a quiet sadness about my impending departure for a year.

A tender smile graced her lips, though the shimmer of tears betrayed her emotions. "I'm going to miss you, dear," she confessed, her voice a gentle whisper. "And I, you, Mother," I replied, enfolding her in a comforting embrace. Her presence, her scent, all felt like the essence of home.

"I love you, my Y/n," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I love you too, Mother," I responded, my heart swelling with affection for the woman who had shaped me into who I was.

She withdrew from our embrace, standing up with a graceful poise that was distinctly hers. "I'll call you when dinner's ready, my love," she said, wiping away her tears with a bittersweet smile. "Alright, Mother," I nodded, looking up at her with a fond smile, etching this moment into my memory. As she left the room, a mixture of excitement and melancholy settled within me, knowing that the next day would mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life.


The air in the dining room seemed to hold its breath, heavy with a mix of emotions, as we gathered for our final family meal before my departure. The soft clinking of utensils against porcelain plates was the only sound, until my father's voice cut through the stillness, breaking the delicate balance.

"Are you ready for tomorrow, Y/n?" His words hung in the air, filled with a blend of hope and apprehension. "Yes, Father, always ready," I replied, my voice steady, betraying none of the nervousness bubbling just beneath the surface. His gaze bore into mine, searching for reassurance. "Are you sure?" he pressed, a trace of concern etching his features.

"Yes, Father, I'm sure," I affirmed, my eyes locking with his, a silent promise that I was prepared for the journey that lay ahead. He leaned in, his voice laced with both caution and tenderness. "Remember to send us an owl every week, my dear. And if anything troubles you, do not hesitate to inform me. I'll have a word with Dumbledore, and he'll keep a watchful eye over you. And, most importantly, savor every moment, alright, love?" His words were imbued with a father's worry, a longing to protect, and a hope that I would find joy in this new adventure.

Beside him, my mother's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a mixture of pride and heartache. I couldn't bear to see her like this. "I know, Father. Please don't cry, Mother," I implored, rising from my seat and enveloping them in an embrace that held the weight of all our emotions. In that moment, we were bound by a love that transcended distance and time.

As the final morsels of our meal disappeared, I retreated to my room, each step a testament to the journey that awaited me. Alone in the quiet sanctuary, I opened my book once more, the words on the page blurred by unshed tears. The prospect of my first year at Hogwarts was both exhilarating and daunting, a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.

In the hushed stillness of the room, I allowed myself to dream, to imagine the possibilities that awaited me within those ancient castle walls. And with a heart full of hope, I dared to envision myself among the ranks of Ravenclaw, a legacy to carry forward into this new chapter of my life.


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