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3rd person pov

The Moonstone legacy, steeped in pureblood heritage and storied tradition, shaped the very essence of Y/n's existence. This morning, a gentle yet persistent summons from her mother roused her from dreams that lingered like mist in the corners of her mind. "Good morning, Mother," Y/n greeted, her voice a soft murmur tinged with the remnants of slumber. The untimely awakening stirred questions, for such early calls were rare.

With a radiant smile, her mother revealed the day's early breakfast plans, a spark of mystery dancing in her eyes. "Hurry up and prepare yourself, Y/n. We have an early breakfast scheduled," she announced, the words carrying a promise of something beyond the ordinary.

A surge of eager anticipation coursed through Y/n, her heart quickening in time with the fluttering hope that today, finally, the long-awaited acceptance letter to Hogwarts would arrive.

As her mother carefully selected an outfit, Y/n moved towards the bathroom, the promise of a new day urging her forward. "Your dress is on your bed, dear," her mother's voice called through the closed door, a gentle nudge to hasten.

"Very well, Mother. Thank you," Y/n replied, her words laden with gratitude and a newfound sense of curiosity. Within the confines of the bathroom, she bathed in the soft golden light that filtered through the curtains, a silent prayer whispered to the fates for what this day might hold.

Upon descending to the heart of her family's sanctuary, Y/n was greeted by the familiar warmth that surrounded her parents. "Good morning, Father, Mother!"

Her father, a pillar of strength and wisdom, returned her greeting with a soft smile, his gaze holding a depth of paternal pride. "Good morning, Y/n. I trust you had a restful slumber, my dear?" he inquired, his voice a soothing balm to her awakening senses.

A playful spark danced in Y/n's eyes as she recounted the dream that had woven itself through the tapestry of her night. "I had a delightful dream, Father. It was my first day at Hogwarts, and I already had a plethora of friends," she shared, her laughter bubbling forth like a spring, carrying with it the purest essence of youthful exuberance.

Her father's eyes twinkled with mirth, a secret held in their depths. "That's splendid, my dear. Speaking of Hogwarts, guess who received her letter today?" he teased, his voice carrying an air of mystery, a twinkle of anticipation.

"Is it me?" Y/n asked, her voice a blend of eager anticipation and playful mirth. Her mother's smile held all the confirmation she needed, as she delicately handed over the much-anticipated parchment. "What are you waiting for? Open it," her mother urged, her own smile mirroring the shared sense of anticipation, the room alive with the weight of a momentous revelation.

 "What are you waiting for? Open it," her mother urged, her own smile mirroring the shared sense of anticipation, the room alive with the weight of a momentous revelation

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The young girl's excitement bubbled forth in a high-pitched trill, her eyes sparkling with an eager anticipation that danced in the morning light. "Mother, may I inquire as to when we shall be departing for Diagon Alley?" she asked, her words poised and polite, though her voice trembled with a barely-contained thrill.

"Today, my dear, after you've had your fill," her mother replied, a hint of affectionate amusement softening her gaze. The promise of the day's adventure filled the air with an unspoken magic.

"Hurry along now, so we may depart," her father chimed in, his voice carrying a gentle urgency, a reflection of his own eagerness to share this special day with his beloved daughter. The prospect of Diagon Alley, with all its wonders and mysteries, hung tantalizingly in the air, an enchanting promise that awaited just beyond their doorstep.


In the heart of the bustling Diagon Alley, the Moonstone family, guided by tradition and pride, sought out the necessary tomes that would accompany Y/n on her journey to Hogwarts. Amidst the towering shelves and the aroma of aged parchment, fate orchestrated an unexpected meeting.

As Y/n and her parents exited the store, they encountered one of her mother's old Hogwarts friends, Narcissa Malfoy.

"Narcissa! It's wonderful to see you. How have you been? And is this Draco? My, how you've grown," Y/n's mother exclaimed. Narcissa responded, "Yes, indeed. And is this Y/n? You look stunning, my dear. I remember when you were just a baby."

Y/n's mother introduced Narcissa to Y/n, "This is Narcissa Malfoy, my former potion partner and one of my closest friends during my time at Hogwarts. She used to visit our manor every month when you were a baby, but both families got busy."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy," Y/n greeted warmly. Narcissa then prompted Draco to introduce himself, "Go on, Draco, introduce yourself, dear."

A/n: next chapter wouldn't be exactly like this bcs it would be dracos pov as I'm trying to make this realistic and it wouldn't be realistic if a person would remember how they encountered each other exactly.


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