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The next day I woke up early to go to see my family. Charles insisted on coming with the whole ride home from his family's dinner. Finally I gave up and said he could come.

I started to get ready by straightening my hair and putting on a green sweater with blue jeans.

Charles knocked on the bathroom door and I opened it up. "Surprise!" He shouted handing me a coffee.

I thanked him and he came and sat on the open counter space next to me. "Are you excited to see them again?" He asks.

"Yes the only time I really saw them was for Christmas" I respond finishing up my mascara.

Just then I got a call from a random number. I answer it and as soon as a I hear the voice my heart skips a beat.

"Hey Victoria it's Colin, please don't hang up I need to talk to you" he says in a desperate tone. Charles mouths out the words 'Who is it' and I respond with mouthing out the words 'Colin'.

His face now turns shocked as well as he leans in closer to hear what's happening. "Fine what do you want" I say very angrily.

"I know your not in LA cause I went to your apartment and your not there. I know your in Monaco and I want to make it up to you" I start to get nervous so I put him on speaker.

"I'm flying to Monaco tonight and I'll be there by tommorow morning" he says with a more happy tone this time. Charles eyes go wide and so do mine as we look at each other.

I hang up the phone and place it on the counter. "What is wrong with that guy?" Charles says and I put my face in my palms. "I don't even know"

"Hey let's not have him ruin you day, let's go have a great time with your family" he says jumping down off the counter and rubbing my back.

I pick my head up out of my palms to look at him. I give him a hug without saying anything. He returns it.

We stand there like this for a good 2 minutes until he breaks it off. "I'll leave you to finish getting ready. I'll be downstairs" he says leaving and shutting the door.

About 20 minutes later I walk down the stairs to see Charles sitting on the couch waiting for me to be ready to leave.

"I'm ready to go!" I say in a very happy tone as I'm excited to surprise my family. "Perfect!" He says standing up pulling keys out of his jeans pocket.

"We're taking the red Ferrari today" he says smirking at me since last night I complimented the red one.

We walked out into the small hallway to the elevator and took it all the way down to the parking garage.

"Are you excited or see your family?" He ask as we walk over to the car. "Yes!  I'm so excited to go home" I say opening the passenger seat door. He smiles at me as we both sit in the car.

The car ride was peaceful, about a 15 minute drive from his place. Windows down playing some old French music I haven't heard in so long. I wish it could be like this all the time.

But when Colin comes it won't be.

We pull into my families drive way, the house looks the same since the last time I saw it. Same old white brick that I love.

We walk up the driveway to the door. "You ready?" He asks and I'm about to ring the doorbell. "Ready" I say as I press the button. I know their going to be so confused to see Charles.

I hear some moving inside and about 30 seconds later it opens to see my younger brother standing their in shock staring at me. "Oh mon dieu, VERONICA!" (Oh my god, VERONICA!) He yells as he gives me a big hug. Charles moves over so he's almost hidden behind the door.

Then I see my mom and dad round the corner with my sister. They all come running as well to see me. "Veronica, qu'est-ce que to fais ici?!" (Veronica, what are you doing here?!) my dad asks.

I don't think they've noticed Charles.

"Juste ici pour visiter!" (Just here to visit) I say giving my sister a hug. "Comment êtes-vous arrivé ici?" (How'd you get here?) my mom asks.

I point in Charles direction and the expression on their faces change as soon as they see him. My mom goes over and gives him a hug. Unexpected.

As does my sister and brother. My dad of course does not. Expected. "Charles, content de te voir chérie!" (Charles, good to see you sweetie) she says in a sweet tone that catches me off guard.

"Bounjour Madame Roche toujours un plaisir" (Hello Mrs Roche always a pleasure) he says giving her a smile then looking at me with wide shocked eyes.

I return the eyes since I'm just as shocked as he is. I never expected my mom to be that kind when she saw him again.

When I told her that me and Charles broke up she sat with me for hours straight three days in a row while cried into a pillow over losing my first love.

(March 2, 2015)

"C'est bon mon amour, C'est juste un garçon" (it's ok my love, he's just a boy) my sad in a low tone while she rubbed my back.

"Oui, le garçon que j'aime" (yea, the boy I love) I said looking up from my pillow for the first time in an hour. The tear stains show very brightly on the baby blue pillow.

"Tu te remets de lui, Je te le promets" (you'll get over him, I promise) she says smiling at me as I shove my face back into my pillow.
(Present day)

My dad did not greet Charles. He walked back inside after my sister went and gave him a hug.

"Charles! Tu m'as manqué!" (Charles! I've missed you!) my sister shouts after she gives him a hug. Charles was always so sweet to my sister. She was very young when we broke up, she was only 6.

"Tu m'as manqué aussi Louise!" (I've missed you too Louise!) Charles says after leaving the hug.

My brother starts to walk over to him. They dap each other up. Boys. My brother on the other hand was not as young as my sister when we broke up. He was 13.

"Henri, comment vas-tu?" (Henri, how have you been?) Charles asks. "Bien, tu?" (Good, you?) my brother questions back. "Bien" (good).

After we all said our hellos we went inside. Charles and me side by side.

We walked into the living room to see my dad sitting in the couch watching football. "Pere" (dad) I say as he turns his head to look at me. I point at Charles. "Bounjour Monsieur Roche" (hello Mr Roche) Charles says politely.

"Salut Charles" (hi Charles) my dad says immediately turning his attention back to the game.

After a while of catching up with my family we decide to eat. My mom made lasagna while we were talking.

Me and Charles shared glasses of wine with my mom and dad. After a while my dad did come around to taking to Charles again, asking him questions about racing. Charles happily talked with him.

It felt like old times. I really felt home.

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