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After some time in the car me and Charles made it to my parent's house. I can see the car the Colin took to get here in the driveway.

Me and Charles pull in and he looks over at me. "You nervous?" He asks me as we open our doors. "Yea definitely" I say looking at him from across the hood of the car.

"I don't expect this to go well" I say as we're about to reach the front door. "Neither do I" Charles agrees.

I knock on the front door and wait for someone to answer. After 2 minutes of waiting my dad opens the door. "Finally you guys are here I was about to tell this guy to come back another time cause I do not want to be talking to him any longer" he says with a serious face making me and Charles laugh.

"Sorry dad just took my time to compose myself for this meet up" I said as I walk past him into the living room where my mom is sat in the rocking chair talking awkwardly with Colin who is sitting on the couch.

"Ah Victoria your here come come" my mom says waving me over to her as she stands up. "And Charles nice to see you again" she says waving him over as well.

"Me and your mother are going for a walk, have fun!" My dad says sarcastically has him and my mom leave out the front door.

"Victoria I cant believe you actually came" Colin states as he stands up walking a little closer to me.

"What do you want Colin, why did you fly all the way to Monaco to talk to me" I question sternly. He is the last person on earth I want to talk to right now.

"I just wanted to apologize for how everything went down, I was completely in the wrong, I still love you Victoria. I need you to know that, and I want you to give me a second chance and come back to LA with me, please, I'll do anything" he pleads.

I cannot believe him.

I look over at Charles who is just standing there staring at me looking for my reaction. I look back over at Colin who is doing the same thing.

"Colin I understand you are sorry, and I suppose I'll forgive you" His face lights up. "But I cannot give you a second chance I'm sorry, you flew all the way to Monaco for this"

Colin's smile immediately drops now looking over at Charles. "This is all your fault, if it wasn't for you she would still be with me" He says angrily pointing at Charles.

"Stop it Colin just leave" I say stepping over towards Charles. "Fine but I swear I will never forgive you for this Charles" he says before he leaves the house.

We can hear the car start as I watch through the window as he drives off. "That actually went a little better than I expected" Charles says. "Besides for the last bit" I add making him laugh.

"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes. I send my parents a text stating that Colin had left and they can head back.

Me and Charles head to his car so that we can go back to his apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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