It Was Then.

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Then I thought of you as a person of glory.

Then I didn't know who you really were.

Then you were the sun and I just circled around you.

But now I circle around someone else.

I was yours and you were mine.

Only you didn't want me to be yours.

You send "I love you, and I adore you"

But you don't know the person you are adoring.

I was 5 years old taking on a role of an adult.

Was that the person you adore?

Because it can't the the person I am now.

I am the independent young woman my step-mother raised me to be.

The person I needed to be to grow up without you.

Still taking on the role of daughter.


The daughter you left.


She left holding your hand.

You're The Pill By. LylaWhere stories live. Discover now