★In The Boys Bathroom, New Student?★

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He wasn't the best in school and will never be, as so he thinks. He and his buddies I believe themselves who also crushed dearly on their victims. And they are mostly girls that they want to torment, even typically "The Quiet Ones" that are also apparently the "Prettier Ones" which totally adds that they are more attracted two girls who I miss the school and are as pretty as even giving them a nickname as "Cute Filled Pies" 🥧. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the guys are even planning to take advantage of those girls in any way they can. They think they're brave enough to not get caught, and they are quite sneaky as they do get in trouble as well when getting caught in any fights or pranks around the school.

As if "The Boy Bullies" in question I know him to be some sick individuals, with a poor mindset with terrible conduct and courtesy and being around adults such as a Teachers and I'm very well the Principles as well. They show them the tools to no respect and being around them and cause the most trouble is there more carefree and presumably "The Biggest Troublemakers" and the whole institution. It is rumor that they're some sick minded individuals that need Psychiatric help as well as a Well Trained Therapist. Of course those students were Over Exaggerating, but it made other people think that it might have been the case.

As for Lumi I think that himself, him as an individual or as crazy as his buddies but is more calm and reserved and stays by himself most of the time unlike his three other friends. Those sometimes meet up in the boy bathroom, even attempting to bully the other guys that come in, especially those 'Nerds" or random people with glasses or 'Sensitive Minded" students~ as it's quite the entertainment for all four of them. Even kicking their feet against the Stars as they were in there, even shoving them against the wall for the lunch money even some loose change.. just picking face with them and punching him in the face was there sort of enjoyment as they would laugh maniacally even diabolically as if some super Villain in some Animated Series.🦹🏻‍♂️

With all of that being done today so far, they all were basically skipping classes because they basically felt like it. But wouldn't it be a waste for them to be there in the first place? It definitely is at this point, but with that it's even thought about in their heads that they would then not come to school entirely and finding someplace Not So Close to it, and more Secluded from any more Outsiders. It's all of them wanting to make such an idea come to life first thing in the morning. But since they're already at school, they're basically about to do their usual thing. Buffalo me and particular, it's coming to see Y/N and annoy them if his antics.

With Lumi feeling himself today he does love to indulge and is Curls, looking into the mirror as he admires His Beauty with thinking deep down he is Prettier than the rest.. basically saying he's the Prettiest Boy in all of this Center Of Learning, with taking such a memorable Mirror Selfie as proof. That his curls are as Healthy and as Spot On as he had known. It's him being in a black hoodie and his phone with the same color, but it also being his Favorite Color entirely. After the picture was taken, he has simply saved it posted it on his Instagram, with notifying his Followers on the Story as well.

With that being done him and his buddies has simply left the bathroom when nobody else was seeing coming in. There instantly bored and his friends were just as "Stupid" and his head as he had thought, yes they are his friends but sometimes even he wonders if they're Okay in the Noggin. But he didn't stare at them too much, as they were seemingly as bored as him and wanting to go to class, but I was strange for them right. But are they really plan to? Lumi didn't think about it for a while, they thought of going at the back of the school so maybe even buy some Cigarettes and.. quite possibly so Stones at people or Bad Mouth them, to whoever passes by? How silly, it caught Lumi and his interest but he was simply not up for it, he wanted to see Y/N, you themself.

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