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Miranda awoke still feeling tired, but more so mentally than physically. She got ready for work like normal and was headed out the door when she got a call from Callie. Locking the door and heading to the car, she decided to answer.



Miranda sighed and slightly rolled her eyes. She stopped in front of her car before contemplating why she answered the phone. Callie and Mark were the only people who knew about Ben and Miranda's past.

"Callie it's nothing, he's just there as a patient."

"And you don't care, miss him, nothing?"

Miranda got in the car before dwelling on an answer. Of course she cared and missed him but, that chapter of her life was over. At least thats what she told herself.

"Look Callie, I'll always care about him. That won't change but, we are done. The past is the past."

Callie let out a chuckle on the other end while Miranda pulled off heading to work.

"Ill be there in 10 mins."

"Okay, Miranda. I'll leave it be. See you."

"See ya."

Miranda hung up the phone while silence and her thoughts filled the car. Thankfully she got there quickly, but now she had to face the man who used to be the love of her life. She made her way to her office, changing into her scrubs and putting on her white coat. She grabbed her pager and made her way to meet her interns for rounds.

She rounded the corner to find them bickering like normal. She stood there with an unamused expression until George noticed her.

"Goodmorning Dr.Bailey!" he said enthusiastically before hugging her.

"Get off of me, O'malley." she pushed him off gently as a small smile crept on her face. O'malley was definitely her favorite.

The rest turned around to look at her just as she fixed her face.

" Okay, enough pointless talking and let's get to work." she said starting to walk as they followed behind.

"Well it wasn't pointless. We were arguing who would be a better surgeon 5 years from now." Christina stated.

"It's obviously me." Izzie said proudly, while everyone side eyed her.

Bailey just chuckled listening to them.

"I bet it'll be Alex." George said plainly.

"Alex?! Are you kidding, I wouldn't be mad if you said Meredith, but Alex?!" Christina said with confusion all over her face.

George just shrugged while Alex gave him a high five.

" Heyyy, why'd you say it like that?" Meredith asked.

"Because, it's obviously me." Christina said surely as they approached the first patients room.

Bailey shook her head before facing the intern's.

"Pointless, like I said before. Now stop your pointless talking and think about the job at hand. Before you don't have one." she said with a light smile, going to enter the room.

The intern's looked between each other before following behind her. They also took notice to how the patient and his family looked at Bailey. They sure were going to talk about it later.

"Hi, I am Dr.Bailey. I was the surgeon who worked this case and these are my intern's. Karev, present."

He cleared his throat before speaking, " 43 year old male, GSW's to the arm and abdomen. Had surgery to remove both bullets. Complications during surgery, including hemorrhaging and some minor damage to the tissue. Taking morphine when needed. Some swelling at the incision site, which is to be expected."

Bailey nodded before checking the incision sites. She couldn't help but notice the intense stare he was giving her. She also couldn't help to notice his grown body that she hadn't seen in years. Time did him well.

"Okay, the incision seems fine. Someone will be in, in a couple hours to change your dressing and clean the site. If you have an questions ask Dr. Grey and if anything happens you page me,"she finished facing towards her, " the rest of you let's go." she said leaving the room.

"Yang and Stevens, you'll be on Dr.Shepherds service today," before they could complain Bailey stopped them, "I don't care, Go!"

They nodded making their way to find him, while O'Malley shared a look with Karev.

Bailey was filling out papers when the two came up on both sides of her.

"So Dr.Bailey, You know him?" O'Malley said with a small smirk.

"Yea Bailey, the dude's eyes never left your face." Karev said with a smug smirk.

Bailey sighed, the two men were like her son's and she knew they weren't going to let this rest.

"He's an old friend."

"I don't fuck my friends." Karev said causing George to chuckle.

Bailey looked at the two and rolled her eyes, handing the finished paper work to the nurse. She walked heading off to her next surgery while they tried to interrogate her.

The surgery was long and took all day, it didn't help Karev and O'Malley couldn't find another topic to discuss. She was in her office about to change, when her pager went off. Grabbing it, she read the number and her heart rate quickened. She quickly put her coat back on and rushed to the room.

"Grey, What's the problem?" she said with urgency in her voice.

"He wouldn't stop talking about how he needed to speak with you."

Miranda sighed a mix of relief and annoyance.

"Grey, leave and go find Sloan. He asked for you earlier."

She nodded and exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

"I'm here, So what do you want." Miranda asked looking at him.

"I want to talk to talk to you." he said firmly.

She took note his voice had deepened since she last heard it, nonetheless it still sent a shiver down her spine.

"Well, Talk."

"How have you been? You look beautiful." he said licking his lips and admiring her body. She had gotten thicker and he definitely noticed.

"Thanks but if thats it, I have work to do."

Before she could leave his voice stopped her.

"I owe you an apology . I should've said it years ago. I am sorry and I apologize for the hurt I put you through. You didn't deserve any of it and I can only hope you forgive me and maybe I could mend the damage I've done."

Miranda took a second to think. She knew he was being sincere but all the feelings she had been trying to keep under wraps was coming full force. All of a sudden she was back in her apartment crying after Ben left her. She quickly snapped back and scoffed before leaving.

Ben noticed the change in her eyes and how sadness filled them. He couldn't help but feel defeated and regret for what he did. He sighed thinking back on what happened.

Miranda on the other hand rushed to her office as she started to hyperventilate.

Callie who noticed her rushing, followed behind and quietly entered the office. She took in Miranda's state and her heart broke for her. All she could do was hold Miranda and help her breathe through it.

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