chapter 1

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warning : horror, graphic violence, rated R scenes, extreme language

It's  October and I'm Halloween shopping because I love Halloween, I always go all out to decorate and give candy to kids and dress up as a witch. I enjoy seeing the terror on kids faces when they realize it's poison! I mean I LOVE
seeing the joy when they realize they got the big candy bars!

Its a normal Halloween and I'm sitting in my witch chair waiting for the little victims, I mean, children to arrive. I see in the distance a girl my age throwing toilet paper at a house nearby with kids hiding inside, also a disappointed girl way younger but identical to the older girl next to her.

I sighed and walked down there to have a chat with the person responsible for the lack of victims. "Yo can't you see I'm busy? Whatchu want?" the stranger looked me up and down with a small tint of pink across her face. She was trying to hide it.

"what do you mean, yo? Why are you throwing toilet paper at that house?? I bet that little kid knows better." I say point to the 14 year old version of 17 year old Lucia.

"these assholes bully my little sister and she doesn't want to beat them up so I came here to teach them not to mess with her again." She says fiercely, not gonna lie her being overprotective is kinda hot..
"Can you guys stop calling me little.. I'm about to turn 15" she said with a frown

"yeah yeah whatever. what's your name ? I'm Lucia, this is luz." The strange girl took her hand out to shake mine.

I shook it.

"I'm Amelia blight, I have a sister luz's age as well, her name is amity. I'm not in contact with her though because I moved out. "
I smirked. "You guys want candy ? I have a lot and you kinda have to take it all since you made everyone else run away."  I fake grinned.

"Duhh " they both ran over to where my house is and I handed them the bucket of candy, " try one.. it won't hurt.." I fake grinned again.

"Nah we'll just save it for later , thanks tho! Bye neighbor." She turned around and walked back to her house with her little sister, I frowned knowing I couldn't see them suffocate to death but it's whatever. At least I didn't have to see Lucia at school anymore.

Did I mention that ? Yeah we go to highschool together, she's so annoying I'm glad I got rid of her. Her little sister was nice tho, I almost feel bad, lol jk.

—next day at school—

I wake up at 5:30 every weekday brush my teeth, change, eat, and drive to school. It's a routine and I don't plan on changing it.
I arrived at my Highschool and parked my car where I always do, far away from any other car.
I walked inside the building and the first thing I see is Lucia


She walks her fine ass up to me, I mean, ugly ass , I don't find her attractive whatsoever.
"Hey Amelia, you look beautiful today! You mind if I get your number?" She smirks at me.

I roll my eyes, shove her and walk away because I don't need anyone distracting me. I can hear her friend laughing at her saying stuff like " bro cannot pull" the fuck does that even mean.

I walk into my friend class and see boscha, basic ass rich kid talking shit about me like I can't hear her. Who does she think she is ?


class ended and Im walking out of the class seeing boscha and Lucia making out right next to me like she didn't just ask for my number a few hours ago.

I was so done with her bullshit

I grabbed boscha by her hair and slammed her on the ground, I went on top of her and started punching the absolute shit out of her
"FUCK OFF BLIGHT! YOU JEALOUS ?" She screamed, that just made me even more mad as I was basically strangling her ass until she passed out, I noticed no teacher or principle was there to stop the fight

I ran out of the school so I wouldn't get caught, I kept running until I heard someone call my name

"Hey blight !"

who the fuck..

I turn around and see Lucia out of breath following me. She continues, "She's gonna be okay if you care, but thanks for saving my ass out there " what does she mean 'saving her ass'? Also how long was I running for..

"what do you mean by that? Me and boscha have our own personal issues it's not about you." I hissed at Lucia
"it was a great timing tho.. I didn't want to kiss her, she forced me" she frowns, I roll my eyes acting like I wasn't concerned and try to run off on her but she caught up and took me by the hand.

"Don't go, please" she blushed looking away. "What? Why?" I said coldly "I think you're really pretty" She grinned at me, I felt myself getting redder and redder. I made eye contact with her and held it for a while, it felt like a long while.

She started leaning in, my heart was racing and I was tomato red but I leaned in with her, staring at her lips, then back to her eyes. I shut my eyes tight and shoved her away. "What are you trying to do with me!" I screamed then ran away back to my house.

I couldn't fall in love I just couldn't, I have one job..


I walked down to the basement where all the little kids I kidnapped or killed, stayed.
This is where I go to have fun..

Not all of them were kids tho, I smirk putting my gloves on and picking up my tool box walking over to boscha. "You really thought you were gonna get away with that shit didn't you" I snickered lifting her chin up to look at me with the knife in my hand.

"you're INSANE AMITY" boscha eyes widened as she tried to break loose from the chains tied to her wrists. It took me a while to get her here, I only drugged her and threw her out her 3 story bedroom window, that's mostly why her legs are broken.

"Yeah I know" I smirked, "which tool should I use to cut your fingers off one by one ?" I showed boscha the variety of sharp objects inside my tool box. "SHIT NO! FUCKING PLEASE AMITY IM BEGGING YOU I DONT WANT TO DIE" boscha pleaded, I just laughed.

"Shoulda thought of that before you killed my little sister" a tear fell down my face "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR IM SORRY PLEASE" she pleaded but it just made me more mad. "You're gonna fucking pay boscha" my smiled went from ear to ear and I laughed listening to boscha's relaxing screams of terror.

falling for a murderer (sibling human au lumity)Where stories live. Discover now