Spider-Ichi, Into the Spider-Verse

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Somewhere on Earth-772014
Okay, let's do this one last time.

My name is Ryoichi Akatani. I was born with a special power and for the past few months, I've been Japan's one and only Spider-Ichi. I think you know the rest.

Enrolled into the greatest school, made friends, made enemies, fell in love... twice. Fought some bad guys while on a school trip... also twice, or maybe more. Did a vigilante thing no one ever noticed to this day, but I'll never tell. And uh... I may or may not have had an emo phase that I won't ever mention again.

Other than that, I've been training hard and learning how to be a better hero from my mom, who is the greatest hero there is. She's been helping me and my sister with our quirks, since we're late bloomers. Ever since dad... passed, she's been working really hard everyday to raise her kids. Four of them, including me, mind you. And everyday, I'm just grateful to have a mom like her in my life.

I'm grateful for everything in my life. Sure, things are a little weird and there were times I got knocked down, or got backed into a corner. But no matter how many times I get hit, I always find a way to get back up. Because I'm Spider-Ichi, and no one can take that away from me.




Well, that almost happened. I know I said my life was weird, but this was super weird.

We were doing the internship with my mom, going out for patrol. Apparently Shock-Wave somehow broke out of prison and was trying to rob a bank. Us being heroes in training tried to stop him and chased him down.

"Oh come on, Shocky! Can't we just about this like old friends?"

"No! I'm not your friend and stop calling me that!"

"I'd call you Shocker but that's taken already, so Shocky it is."

Shock-Wave growled in annoyance at the nickname I gave him.

"You really just love getting on people's nerves, don't you?" Akio asked.

"It's what I do best." I said feeling proud.

"Okay, focus everyone." My mom instructed us. "If we force him to use shockwaves continuously, he'll be out of power and we can trap him into a corner."

We got our parts and played them. Kyoka used her earjacks to hear out where Shock-Wave is heading while Momo made traps to block him off. Me, Josuke and Akio were chasing him down and forcing him to use his quirk, draining him of his power, and I just know how to do that."

"What's wrong, Shocky? I just wanna talk! Like how I totally kicked your butt when you and your pals tried to raid USJ." I taunted him.

"That's a lie! I was beating you before your friends saved you!"

"Mmm... nuh uh."

"The fuck you mean 'nuh uh'?!"

"I mean, 'nuh uh,' as in, 'nuh uh.'" I said as I chuckled.

I could hear Shock-Wave growling in annoyance, and I can see how much power he's putting into his gauntlets with the damage of the road every time he jumps.

"Heads up, he's about to attack soon." I warned Josuke and Akio as they got ready.

Right on que, Shock-Wave turned around and blasted a big beam at us as we dodged in time and kept running away.

"Woah! Too close! Maybe tone down the taunts? I almost lost my footing there!" Josuke said as he tried to readjust himself mid air.

"It's fine, look." I pointed to Shock-Wave and saw that he's slower after firing the large beam at us.

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