Into the Spider-Verse 2

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Meanwhile, on Earth-7714

Right after Ryoichi disappeared, the others caught up and found Shock-Wave, who looked like he'd seen a ghost with how the events played out. He was interrogated on where Ryoichi disappeared to, but to his answers, he had no clue either. All he said was a portal opened up and he was sucked in, which was true, but they didn't believe him.

There was no progress in finding out Ryoichi's whereabouts, so until then, Shock-Wave was locked up again, and Yui took her interns back to the agency, putting a break on their internship. Much like her, they were stressed out as well.

"Man this is freaking me out." Josuke says as he paces around. "This was supposed to be a normal internship. A NORMAL internship! Just us learning about usual hero duty without worrying about villain attacks. But noooo- The one time we get a villain on the run, it's coincidentally the one that attacked us at USJ. And to make things better, he and Ryoichi had a rematch and now all of a sudden our friend's gone! I know it's a lot to ask but can we have a normal school thing for once?!"

He continued pacing and ranted while the others just watched him.

"Does he usually do this?" Jiro asked.

"Hm, sometimes." Akio answers. "He usually rants and paces around to calm himself down."

"And it works!" Josuke retorted.

"Whatever the case, Harukita is right to feel this way." Momo speaks up. "We're all worried for Ryoichi. If only I saw this coming, maybe-"

She balls her first up tightly, feeling guilty and blames herself for not saving Ryoichi in time. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to Akio.

"Hey, it's not your fault. None of us saw this coming."

"I know, but I can't help feeling guilty for letting this happen."

"No one's blaming you, Yaomomo." Jiro speaks to reassure her. "I'm worried for Akatani too, but he's strong enough to handle himself. So wherever he is, I'm sure he's fine, I hope." She muttered.

Momo looks down at the floor, hoping Ryoichi was safe like Jiro said. She still blames herself partially for his disappearance. Regardless, she holds onto hope and prays that Ryoichi comes back to them safe.

She sits up straight and lets out a sigh. "I hope you're right. Everyone has been on edge since he disappeared. Especially-"

The doors opened, getting the intern's attention, as Aizawa and the rest of the Akatani family arrived.

"Kari-" Momo says before Kari runs to her and hugs her tightly. She didn't say anything and hugged her back, understanding how she felt for her brother.

They separated from the hug with Momo looking at Kari with concern. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. One minute with the hot headed Number Two hero and the next you hear your twin brother's gone missing. So you tell me." Kari tried to joke as a way to cope, but it wasn't helping as much.

"I'm so sorry. I tried, I-"

"It's okay. Don't blame yourself."

They comforted each other as they shared their worries for Ryoichi.

With the adults, Aizawa speaks to Yui about the situation.

"The twins, do they worry about each other like this?" Aizawa asked.

Yui nods in response. "Yes. They've been together since... they're entire life really. Can't really have one without having the other."

"They're almost like a packaged deal." Lizanna tried to joke only to get a slight nudge from Maize.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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