Bio (updated)

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Y/n L/n

He was trained by darth Vader and he became...a monster...

Age: 19 (you'll see why)

Alias: Apprentice of Vader, Vader's right hand, blood drainer

He has learned a lot from him, all his skills abilities and the force

His armor

His lightsaber:

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His lightsaber:

Blaster pistol:

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Blaster pistol:

The LL-30 blaster

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The LL-30 wasn't easy to get...but in the end he got it

Power and abilities:

Enhanced Senses and Perception, Aura-Sensing, Various lightsaber combat skills, Skilled Swordsman, Precognition/Prescience, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Telekinetic Blasts, Mind/Memory Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Psychometry, Barrier Creation (in the form of Force Barrier), Energy Manipulation (can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), Energy Blasts (in the form of Kinetite), Regeneration (Mid-Low; in the form of Force Healing), Resistance to Poison, Matter Manipulation on a sub-atomic scale (as per editing the Holocron, to activate it, it requires one to make numerous precision alterations to it on a subatomic scale), Resistance to Transmutation (resisted the effects of the Muur Talisman which turns even force users into monsters known as Rakghouls), Battlemind, Consume Essence, Force Scream, Force Stun, Pyrokinesis, Force Drain, Rage Power (Can become more powerful when sufficiently angered), Vehicular Mastery (Is an Expert Pilot)

Stats (with his armor):

Attack potency: Complex Multiversal level+

Reaction Time: speed of light, every time someone tried to attack him behind his back he would instantly stop it.

Speed: hypersonic...

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: At least Complex Multiversal level

Durability: At least Low Complex Multiversal level

Stamina: damn near unlimited.

Stats: (Without armor)

Attack potency: low Complex Multiversal

Reaction time: speed of light, still same as usual

Speed: unknown...

Lifting strength: Low complex Multiversal

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiversal

Durability:...he's still human so he can get burns and get cut even without his armor but once he dies and turns into a force ghost...he will be as powerful as he is on his armor

Stamina: Infinite


He was found as a child, he was defenseless, Darth Vader found him and he saw great power in him, soldiers were going to shoot him but Darth Vader killed them and he gave a helping hand to y/n, palpatine doesn't know of him.

Y/n has his own stormtroopers, they follow no orders from either Darth Vader or Palpatine only from y/n

Y/n has his main ship

Y/n has his main ship

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Now...let's start shall we?

Tier: 1-C

After death: High 1-A

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