Chapter 11

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Author's POV

After Jungkook collected his belongings, he went down stairs to find Jimin waiting for him with rest of his luggage. 

"Put your things in the car, wait when your done"

"for what reason I thought I was supposed to go look for a place to stay"

"As if you have one, you'll be staying with me for the time being until you find a place"

''I understand that I don't have a place to stay but please don't bother yourself about it, I will find one after some time''

Jimin scoffed then said''As if I would care if you lived on the street or got yourself another man to stay with...'' he paused then continued ''I'm doing this only because tae loves you so much he can't even imagine you staying in the street so he begged me to take you with me''

Jungkook felt like he would die out of guilt and how jimin never missed a chance of telling him how everything is his fault.

He too didn't know what went wrong and when but to say he was highly disappointed in himself would be an understatement cause with every step he was taking, memories and images of him and taehyung together running around their house and being happy together flashed right before his eyes.

He wanted to beg taehyung to forgive him, but he knew there was nothing to forgive cause he was so desperate for sex he lost himself and taehyung in the process. He wanted to run into taehyungs arms and feel them wrapped around him while they sat in their couch all snuggled up having a movie night but he knew he lost all the rights to even look tae in the eyes.

He still remembers how he was the one who refused to do anything sexual with tae, and tae being in love with kook for more than just his body and sex never complained but instead loved Jungkook more in every passing second and never forced himself on kook.

Jungkook was so blinded that he didn't notice how tae was waiting for him to say that he was ready for them to take the next step, rather he saw it as tae wasn't interested in him sexually or didn't find him sexy enough.

He knew the damage was already done but the love he had for taehyung was killing twice the guilt and from then he had promised himself to do whatever it takes to take care of taehyung even if it's in the dark where he won't see him.

''Oh thank you for that.... I'm really sorry to bother you''

''Atleast you know... I don't even know how I'm gonna react seeing your face everyday knowing I'm living with a traitor and someone who broke my best friend and left him in pieces, honestly speaking you are a fucken bitch for doing that to the person who treasured you so much''

''You know I'm glad my taetae has a friend like you, you can hate me all you want and call me whatever name but please promise me you will take good care of him more than I ever did''

''He is not your taetae anymore and I-

Baggsie0034 and irenerebe this chapter is for guys sorry for making you wait. If I can I will try and update two more before the end of the week so please bare with me cause I'm such a lazzzy person.

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