Chapter 13

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Author's POV

Nobody said anything to anyone as Jungkook went to the room stated to be his for the time being while he stays in their house, while yoonmin went to their room to have a private talk.

''I didn't want him to stay here yoonie cause everytime I would see him I will be reminded of how much tae is going through''

''I get that Minnie but right now I think you should just focus on helping tae cause I don't think he is gonna be fine anytime soon''

''Okay yoonie'' Jimin said and hugged yoongi tightly trying to find comfort in him so he could have strength to be strong for tae when his in front of him.

As Jungkook closed the door in the room that now is his, he slide down against the door crying his eyes out as if the ground was swept out of his feet as if the world was against him everything was suffocating him and he did that to himself.

While taehyung on the other side was literally dying from the pain that he was feeling, the word 'pain' was not enough to explain how he felt.

Figuratively he was like a working dead cause from the inside he was dead that he felt like there is nothing more that could hurt him or convince him to live any longer.

In the house they have 2 bedrooms and taehyung couldn't bring himself to stay in their bedroom so he went to sleep in the guest room.

He didn't want to cry or do anything in general so he just went to sleep.

As days went by taehyung lived like this:

Wake up and freshen up, go to work and come back just to sleep again. He didn't eat much and he was becoming more thinner that everyone could see it.

Jimin would come to check him every two days but tae would just say he is fine and they should stop worrying about him, although that bothered jimin alot but he let him be sometimes so he could be alone.

Jimin knew that sometimes taehyung had a hard time coping with hurt breaking situations so he tried his best to be there for him even though tae was pushing him away but he promised himself that he will be there no matter what.

''Tae bear open the door I just want to see you, I swear I will leave after that I'm just worried about you''

''I'm okay chim, now you can go back it's getting late yoongi hyung will be worried about you''

''No!! I'm not going anywhere with out you so if you are truly worried about me you better come out right now or else I will call Namjoon hyung to come back home and I will tell him everything''

Tae immediately opened the door at the mention of his brother cause he didn't want him to home for him because if he ever got to know about Jungkook he would be ready to kill him as soon as he found him.

''Fine I'm here stop threatening me '' Tae smiled slightly.

Hey guys, how are you doing?

I have a question for y'all...

I don't have much of an idea on how to write a depressive scene for tae so I want you guys opinion on what u want

A) should I try and write a few more chapters with tae being depressed then back to taekook

B)Jump to how they met again but don't make tae forgive him or give in to him until you guys think kook has paid enough and they both deserve to be happy again

I will write the story based on what you guys choose, love y'all ❤️

And remember not to hate kook

Happy new years by the way ✨️☺️

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Happy new years by the way ✨️☺️

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