Ch 25

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Today taekook are going to Delhi for marriage as it is tomorrow and in these days they both spent their time with eachother to the fullest enjoying going on little dates and watching movies in their room cuddling and went to shopping choosing outfits for eachother then hot and spicy love making session in the night.....

Today in the afternoon they have their flight to Delhi namjin and yoonmin are also coming today itself they will directly reach the Delhi taekook did their packing last night now they are eating their early lunch and after eating they will be going to airport.....

Tae is wearing a dress because it will be uncomfortable in saree during the flight journey and kook is wearing a comfortable dress

Tae is wearing a dress because it will be uncomfortable in saree during the flight journey and kook is wearing a comfortable dress

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"Wifey did you packed everything...." kook asked looking at his wifey who nodded before answering....

"Yes hubby I did don't worry...."

Kook nodded and then they completed their lunch and started driving to the airport with a driver......


Soon they landed in Delhi and they went out after collecting their luggage and started looking for Soomin as she said she will pick them up from the airport and they saw Soomin is waiting for them with the car so they both went towards her and tae hugged her tightly saying they missed eachother.....

While they are hugging and talking kook kept the luggage in the car and then they'll sat in the car with kook driving the car.....

"So taetae tell me did you enjoyed your holidays huh...." Soomin asked with a teasing smile making tae blush and kook smirk...

"Oh don't ask that devil we did enjoyed very much just because you know why...." Jungkook asked Soomin with the same smirk...

"Why is that please enlighten me.." Soomin asked with irritating voice because she knows her brother is going to tease her.....

"Humm it is because you were not there to disturb us and snatch my wifey from me...." Soomin was fuming in anger hearing her brother....

"You muscle pig just wait and see what I'll do with you...." she said in challenging voice to which kook didn't responded making her more angry so she was about to pull his hairs but tae stopped holding her hand and said.....

"Soo leave him for now see he is driving right...." he showed his puppy eyes and cute pout which made soomin's anger flew away and she sat on her seat with a hump sound....

Kook looked at his wifey and gave him a flying kiss and a flirty wink making tae blush and he looked outside of the window enjoying the view of the city.....

After few minutes they reached the house and they all got down from the car and kook went to take their luggage down and then they went inside to see the house is filled with relatives and decorated beautifully for haldi function which is about to start....

They both greeted their parents and brothers Mrs Jeon took them to one of the guest room and asked them to change their outfits saying tae to wear a saree so after that she can take him to their relatives for blessings....

Tae took out his saree and kooks kurta and gave it him who took and changed infront of him after washing his face in the washroom and then tae too changed into a beautiful yellow saree after freshing up ....

Tae took out his saree and kooks kurta and gave it him who took and changed infront of him after washing his face in the washroom and then tae too changed into a beautiful yellow saree after freshing up

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With that taekook went down where Mrs Jeon waiting for them. She took them first to her parents and asked them to take their blessings which they did...

"Stay happy and blessed with so many children dears get up...." Mrs Jeon's mother said with a smile while patting tae's and kooks head and her father did the same.....

After that they both went towards their brothers and brother-in-law's started talking with them about their life and everything later yoonmin also came in the evening.....


Now everyone is having their dinner it is after the haldi function kook Suga and joon were eating their dinner with their cousins and friends while tae Jimin Jin and Soomin were having their dinner with Jin feeding his naughty son....

They are talking about random things and laughing when Jimin stood up and ran with his hand on his mouth tae got so worried about his brother and ran behind him and saw him vomiting....

"Minnie what happened?" He asked worriedly rubbing jimins back.....

"I don't know taetae just I felt nauseous I think it is because of travelling in the flight also I did once...." Jimin said wiping his mouth with his pallu and looked at his worried brother....

"Jimin what happened?" Tae was about to say something but got interrupted by a worried Yoongi who just came there running as Soomin informed about Jimin.....

"Nothing yoonie I think it is because of trave.........." Jimin said fainted in tae's arms as he was holding him from his shoulder.....

"Minnie....hyung what happened to him....." tae said worriedly eyes brimming with tears looking at his brother unconscious in his arms....

"Don't worry Taehyung first....first let's take him inside....." Yoongi said calmly not wanting to scare Taehyung more when he himself is so scared and worried...

Tae nodded and let Yoongi carry him and they all rushed towards their room others also got worried looking at them mainly elder Jeon couple Jungkook and Namjoon they also rushed inside......


Now they all are waiting outside of the room as Mrs Jeon's sister-in-law is a doctor so she is checking him inside....

They all are so anxious and worried about Jimin. Mrs Jeon asked Taehyung what happened to him and he told everything to them which brought a little hope in Mrs Jeon about something but she shrugged it thinking it's just because of travelling as Jimin said to Taehyung....

After few minutes Mrs Han Mrs Jeon's sister-in-law who was checking Jimin came out Yoongi was fast enough to reach her and ask about his husband....

"Don't worry Yoongi-ah nothing happened to your husband but........" she paused a little making everyone worried and they all looked at her confusedly when she hugged Mrs Jeon with a smile and said.......

"Congratulations you are going to be a grandmother soon Jimin is two weeks pregnant......."


That's it for this chapter guys....

I hope you will like it.....

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Please ignore the mistakes 🙏🙏🙏

All the above pictures credit goes to the right full owner....

Thank you for reading.....

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I purple you 💜✨..

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