Chapter 1: Wow, what a day!

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Skull's Pov: It was just a normal day, school, Turf War, and hanging out with friends. I walked home after a few Turf Wars and set my backpack near the couch. "Hey Mask, I'm back." I said. "Oh, just in time! I brought some noodles if you're hungry. By the way, Headphones wants to know if she can come over." "Yeah sure!" "Great, she also wants to know if Bobble hat can tag along with her." "What kind of question is that? Bobble is literally your girlfriend, of course she can come with her!" I said happily. Mask took off his mask and set it on the table, then we heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. "Rider? I didn't know you were coming here." "Oh, hey Rider." "Hey guys." He said. "I hope you don't mind if I crash here tonight, my side of my bedroom is getting remodeled and well, let's just say my roommate isn't exactly all so bright about the idea of me sleeping in the same bed with him." "Sure you can." Said Mask. "Thanks." "No problem, if you need anything just tell us!" I said. "Alright." "You can choose whatever bed you wanna sleep in, we're never really in our bed room anyway." Said Mask. "Got it!" Rider said. "Hey, I'm gonna go on a walk, I'll be back though." "You go on a walk this early?" "Yeah, he always does." "Alright, well, see ya Skull." "Alright, I'll be back." I said, as I shut the door behind me. As I start walking, I decide to walk to the city. I've taken a walk in the city before, I mainly only ever go there to play Turf War, but from what some people told me, they say it's nice, they say there's a slight breeze and how good it feels when they just stop to look around at the environment, people everywhere doing anything, I also here that the cafes there are really good. About 18 minutes later, I finally made it to the city. There were a lot of shiny buildings, and certainly a lot of people, just as they have told me. I take a moment to take it all in, it was quite nice. "Holy hell, is that the Squid Sisters?" I thought. I've always wanted a signed autograph of them, but I didn't have anything I wanted them to sign, plus I didn't have anything to write with, so I just figured it be best if I just save it for another time, and they are pretty busy people, I didn't wanna bother them, so I kept walking. All of a sudden, I see something sparkly and shiny on the sidewalk near a cafe, it seems that the cafe was giving it away. So I decided to go check it out, apparently it was a mirror. Me and Mask have been looking for a new mirror after our old one had broken after one too many years of being used. I walked over to see if it was affordable enough for me to buy. "Hmm, 29.99, not too bad." I thought. "Excuse me, sir?" "Yes?" "Could I buy this mirror please?" "Uh, sure I guess." I gave him the money and he gave me the mirror. "Thank you sir!" "No problem." After a few more minutes I finally think to go get some food to try from a cafe, all I really ordered was some pancakes and ice cream, it was delicious by the way, and then I return home. "Hey, I'm back." "What's up my man? Is that a new mirror?" "Sure is." "You brought a mirror?" "Yeah, the reason is our old one broke so, you know, yeah." "Oh ok." As Mask explained this, I went to our bathroom and hung it on the wall. "Well this will have to do for now until we can permanently get it on there." I thought. "Oh, I get it now." "Yeah, haha." "Hey guys, I put on the wall in the bathroom!" "Nice!" "Come take a look!" I said in a exited tone. Both of them walked into the bathroom looking at the newly hung up mirror. "Oh hey, it has a kind of crystal texture on it." Rider said. "Uh, I don't think that's a texture, it looks and feels real to me." Mask said. "Wait, I didn't realize that, so then, why would a cafe sell something so valuable?" "You got this at a cafe?" "Well, yeah, it was only 29.99." "Well then, I guess they didn't want it." "I don't know, it seems pretty strange if you ask me." "Well, at least we finally have a not broken mirror, haha... Please laugh." "Ha, no, anyway, yeah, your right I guess." "Hey guys, it's getting late." Rider pointed out. "Oh shit, your right, I didn't even notice. Welp, good night." Mask walked off to our bed room. "See you in the morning, bye way, thanks for letting stay, I will be here for a few days." "No problem, it's our pleasure." "Alright, good night." Rider also walked off into our bed room. I got my pajamas from our room and changed into them. I then grabbed my hair brush and started brushing my hair. I walk into our bed room and get into my bed. "Alright, good night everyone." "Good night." Both Mask and Rider said. Four hours later, I wake up, simply to get a glass of water. I was too tired to go to the kitchen, so I got water from the bathroom sink instead. I filled my cup with water, and drank it all. Right as I was exiting, I tripped back, and fell into the mirror, screaming, as it didn't break, but suck me into it.

Mask's Pov: Me and Rider woke up as we heard a loud scream come from the bathroom. "SKULL?!" We ran to the bathroom but, he wasn't there, all that we could see, was his skull sleeping mask. "What happened, where did he go?" "I don't know." I said. Then I thought about it for a minute. If Skull was in here alone, and the only other thing here apart from our toothbrushes and stuff was his sleeping mask, then it had something to do with the mirror. "Rider, I think I know what happened." "What do think?" "I think... He got transported into the mirror somehow." "We need to get him out somehow." "Maybe we can go in." We tried going into the mirror ourselves but, it didn't work. "Well, how are we gonna get him out?" "I don't know." Rider replied. "But we will, somehow."

End of chapter one.

A/N: It's my first time doing this so, I'm sorry if it's not very good.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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