Gravity Shifters, they are individuals that are capable of manipulating the forces of Gravity to their own hands, as well as having a guardian to aid them in the use of their powers whenever they are near their owners. One of such Gravity Shifters h...
Jackal and Raven are shown to be together, as they are both moving across the air for a little bit. Jackal looks around for a little bit and he seems to be interested in where it is that Raven is going to take him. His hand is gripped tightly by the other Gravity Shifter, as her hair waved a little bit by the passing second, and Jackal, although he doesn't want to admit it, sees that it makes Raven beautiful. The way she acts graceful also helps the image a bit
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Of course, even when she uses her powers, she is still looking as beautiful as ever. Raven looks at Jackal, as Jackal looks in awe at what is happening around him. All of the people that are around him, all of the floating cities and towns that are zooming past him, he cannot help but contemplate on the beauty that he is seeing before his very eyes, a beauty that he can never truly comprehend, no matter what he tries. Raven smiled, as she then spoke out to him.
"Enjoying the scenery, Jackal?"
Jackal looks up at Raven and nodded his head a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Oh, uhh...yeah, I am. Never thought that this is so...beautiful. I've never seen anything like this before in my whole life."
Raven smiled a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Well, then this must be a good first time for you see see something as wondrous as this."
Jackal nodded, not denying her claims, and actually agreeing with her on what she said, as he looks around, his now white pupil-less eyes filled with wonder. Even when there is so much endless space, due to there being no ground in the area all around, it does not change the fact that the entire place that he is in is so incredible.
Jackal couldn't help but wonder how far he can take this, how far he can go because of what is around him. But as he did, Raven decided to speak out.
"Hey, Jackal. Think we should change trajectory."
Jackal, shaking his head, looks up at Raven, spoke out.
"Oh, where?"
Raven points up at the bell tower, as Jackal nodded his head, before he spoke out.
"Oh, okay."
Both Jackal and Raven then switched directions, as they both began to rise up as fast as they could up to the bell tower. And after what must have been a minute, the both of them landed underneath the bell itself. And it is here he can see a bit of Hekseville itself.
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