Chapter 1: New Discovery

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It was a normal day within the mothership of the Armada: Irken workers are running around fulfilling their tasks, serving the tallests, and making sure every planet within their path was destroyed. They had just had a battle with the people of a superearth and took all of their resources a reward for their victory. After that, they turned the planet into a new asteroid belt around the red star it was orbiting.

Red and Purple were resting in their quarters after the initial even had ended. They were tired of having to be diplomatic for worlds they knew they were going to destroy, but they went through with it as commanded by the control brains. The pair were too selfish and pampered to fully understand why this was important and refused to do so altogether. Red soon woke up from the couch after falling asleep while watching TV with Purple. Upon seeing Purple unresponsive, a smirk formed on his face before leaning forward and hitting him in the gut to wake him up.

"Agh!" Purple shouted. "Hey! What was that for!?"

"Cause it's funny," Red silently snickered.

"Well, how do you feel if I did this!?" Purple exclaimed as he punched Red in the face.

This angered Red greatly, and so, he lunged at Purple and fought him before wrestling him off the couch and into the floor, falling into the pile of garbage below. They wrestled each other endlessly, trying to overpower one another. This lasted for a few minutes until a servent walked into their room unannounced.

"My tallests, I-" he said before being quickly cut off.

"What!?" They both said at once.

"W-we made a discovery," the servent said hesitantly. "We need you to see this."

Red and Purple looked at each other before Red spoke up in response.

"We will be out in a moment. Just leave us for a few minutes if you don't mind."

The servent slightly bowed before exaiting the room. It was during that moment of distraction that Purple managed to kick Red off of him and into the couch, hitting his head against the metal frame. Red rubbed the back of his head in pain before getting up and complaining to purple.

"That freaking hurt, you idiot!"

"Oh, you'll be fine. It's not like it's gonna kill you anyway."

"That besides the point!" He shouted before regaining his composure. "Let's just get to navigation and resolve this later."


The two activated the levitation devices installed into their clothing before they began floaoting to the navigation center as a pair. They both looked at their surroundings as they floated by. Every Irken who saw them bowed their heads out of respect, and those who didn't were either distracted by another task or were in an unprecedented situation. There were even a handful of workplace accident here and there, but thanks to their PAKs, it wouldn't matter if they lived or died since they were technically immortal. Nonetheless, seeing these accidents always annoyed Red as he knew this would a problem he'd have to deal with later.

The twins eventually reached the navigation room and flooted in place before the giant window/screen they have always known since the start of Impending Doom 2.

"Alright, what's the big reveal?" Red asked one of the navigators

There was a moment of silence before one of them spoke up.
"My tallest, we discovered concentrated radiosignals coming from a planetary system neaby," he stated clearly before continuing. "We managed to triangulate the source of the signal and found this."

An image was pulled up in the front window of different forms of data that confused Purple greatly.

"The source of these signals is not artificial, but entirely natural and originates from an organic source. As for what the source is, we don't know exactly what it is or how it's making these readings, but we know for sure it's straight ahead."

A star map was pulled up in the window in front of them, and it showed the signal of interest was in their path. That means they didn't have to deviate from their original course in order to make contact. This made things easier for the mission and those who wanted to investigate this seemingly abnormal phenomenon. Maybe they'd be able to discover something new and further advance their understanding of the universe, but that was until Purple spoke up.

"So what?" Purple replied with his mouth full of donuts. "We're gonna blow it up anyway, so why waste the time in studying it?"

"I-I mean it could help us further understand our place in the universe so -" He was quickly cut off by Purple.

"Understand our place in the universe? Why try and understand it if we already know where we are? We are undefeated as far as we know, and there's that one Society we have come across that managed to overpower the Irken Armada! Let's just set this aside and move along."

The Navigator wanted to refuse, but this was a direct order given to him by his tallest, so he had no choice but to abide, "Understood, My Tallest..."

The Navigator sat back down as he continued working through his screen. There was a message sent throughout the ship about the possibility of exploring this new type of world, and he soon made everyone new that the possibility exploration was off the table.

Just as before, everything went smoothly, and nothing changed. The unchanged cycles that were happening throughout the ship continued once more, and there was now no longer a chance Brandy wanted to leave. Unfortunately, this decision made what will happen soon will change the course of history forever.

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