1 #Jeremiah

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The bell rang,and every student was running to get to class or to avoid seeing him.Who is he?The school troublemaker.
Jeremiah Joaquin.

"There he comes."Millie sighed with a bored face.She's not interested; everyone's reactions are too much for her.

"Who?"Irene tilted her head to see.The corridor has never been cleaner than before,thanks to the students running away from him.

"Your boyfriend."Millie looked at her with a slightly smug smile. rene's eyes stay in the shape that is getting clearer and clearer.There he is,walking closer with both his hands in his pockets.His black hoodie probably has a rotten rat in it;that's what people say he smells like.


Jeremiah stopped right in front of them,or, to be exact,in front of Irene.Millie stood up and smiled at her.

"See you later."She quickly ran into the class,not wanting to be the third wheel between them two.Everyone knows Irene is the only person who can bear with Jeremiah's behavior.He's not that bad,but sometimes his mouth is just something.

"What are you doing?It's the next class period."Jeremiah asked with a frown.He's always frowning.And Irene is the only person who can handle his eyes when he stares.When he stares,his whole face goes gloomy and fierce.He looks intense.

"Are you not going to inquire as to why everyone before you came up?"Irene looked up at him,not feeling like standing up.

"For what?I already know why."Jeremiah's voice gets slower.Irene looked down at their feet and sighed.He's trying to pretend like he doesn't care,but deep down,he is hurt.

A nude picture of some female students has been released and it was said to be done by Jeremiah.He was called to the principal office and they even called for his father.

Irene knows the damage they've done to him.Jeremiah was beaten to death after they got home.She heard him sobbing in silence when she went outside to check up on him.She cancelled the plan and just stood next to the brick walls between their houses,listening to his deep crying until something in his throat broke.

He swore in front of everyone that he didn't do it,but since it's not proven yet that he is innocent and the culprit is still unknown,the whole school decided to boycott him,knowing damn well they were the ones who spread the pictures until they reached the public.

"Where were you yesterday?Did you ditched school?"She held his little finger,worried.

"You don't have to worry about that."He pulled back gently,making her look up to him again.She saw his wary eyes; her inside was hurting as well.Why are his pupils shaking? Scared? Upset?If she could take half his pain and make it half hers,she'd gladly do so.

"Let's go to the beach today."Irene said it with a small smile.She wants to cheer him up and do the same for her.

"What for?We don't have transportation; you don't have to do this for me."
Jeremiah shook his head,resisting so hard.

"A date.We're going out on a date.Why,can't we?"Irene asked louder,catching the attention of another student.The rumours are about to fly again.

"We're friends.We're best friends,okay Irene sweetheart?We can't go out on a date; you're stopping the other boys from asking you out! Everyone is thinking I'm your boyfriend!"Jeremiah said half yelling,in the same tone as her. Irene scoffed.

"Why do you care about that?"

"Of course I do! You're pretty, you're smart, and everybody likes you." Jeremiah ran his fingers through his hair with a deep stare into her face.

Irene was completely shut down by then.Her palms are starting to get sweaty. What's this unfamiliar feeling?Why is her heart racing faster after he said that? Oh god,not again.

"You think I'm pretty?"She asked quietly.Jeremiah was about to reply but he stopped and put on a smug smile.

"Really?That's the only thing you heard?" He bent down and bumped his head against hers.She smiled,amused by his dorky side whenever she acted cute.

"You're such a little dumb bunny."

She heard him talking to himself when he entered the class while both his hands were holding the back of his head.The class went silent,pretending like they didn't hear the whole conversation between Jeremiah and Irene.Of course they were eavesdropping.Everybody loves drama,especially when it comes from Jeremiah.

Irene held both her cheeks and looked the other way. Her face is hot,and her ears are completely red! He's also looking a little too fine lately. His dimples are usually on one side; when did they change to both sides? He's getting skinnier lately; why? Is he not eating enough?
Irene didn't even realise the only thing she's been thinking about every day, every minute, and every damn second is Jeremiah.


Luca wrapped his hand around Irene's shoulder. Irene flinched; she almost slapped the hell out of him in shock.
"Luca! Be a gentleman,will you? I almost opened my judo skills." Irene grunted in frustration. Luca pinched her cheek with a big smile.
"You learned judo when you were seven." He laughed. Irene rolled her eyes.
"Wait until I do a backflip on you.".
"You can't even lift a rock." He mocked her. She pushed away his face jokingly. They both laughed and continued to make fun of each other until Jeremiah came up.
"Hey."She said.
"What's up?" Luca greeted him with a smile on his face,but not Jeremiah. He stared down at them both,mostly looking at Irene.
"This again.." Luca whistled and sighed in defeat. He stood up and patted Jeremiah's shoulder with an exhausted face.
"Be careful."
Jeremiah frowned when he said that. What does he mean by that? Is that a threat?
"What do you want?" Irene asked,taking away his attention from Luca, who is now walking away from them.
He sat down next to her while plucking out the grass, looking down at the ground. Irene pushed his shoulder against hers.
"Something happened,right?" She could tell just by looking at his face.
"My father went out and hasn't come home since two days ago." He started. Irene gasped loudly.
"Two days ago?! Where did he go?" That never happened before. Is it because of the nude accusation?
He shook his head. Irene read his expression. He looks worried. She knows how badly his father beat him up and cussed the hell out of him, but he still loves his father no matter what.
"I don't know." He looks even lower. Irene pulled his back up, and their eyes met. She opened her arms,not giving a single care about the people looking at them with clinical, judgmental eyes.
"We'll find him. I'll help you find your father." She said while he slowly leans into her arms. She brushed softly on his back,feeling the warmth of his skin, and breathed on hers. She has never touched a warmer and more comfortable skin than his.
"I'm worried,Irene.He has never done this before--"
She heard him sniffle softly, she felt the unsaid pain on the inside. He must be blaming himself now that their family's name is bad in the whole school and town. His father could be drinking again.
She can't remember the last time he was sober. He's always drunk and insane. How did Jeremiah live in a house like that? Every night she would put her left ear to the walls, trying to listen if she heard Jeremiah's father screaming and throwing glasses at him,like he always does.
And the sounds of Jeremiah sobbing,pressing the back of his hand on his lips so that he wouldn't make any noises, because he knows that Irene is listening from the other side of the walls. Irene knows everything; she's just pretending not to know to make sure Jeremiah doesn't put in any more effort to hide things from her. He is too precious. So fragile yet so strong.

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