Chapter 10: The misadventures of Jimmy and Cartman Ft. Tolkien

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This chapter will include some other characters pov))

Jimmy's POV

As soon as I hit bebe with my crutch it seemed to cause a fight, the next thing I new Cartman was by my side in the fight and now he's by my side in the principals office while bebe and the other girl are busy talking to P.C Principal. I had a lot of fond memories in this office like when I rote "Retard" in the school news paper and he failed to break my legs.

"So Eric, you helped me against b-bebe and the other girl when they tried to hurt p-p-pip? I thought you hated him for being B-B-B-British."

Soon he would be responded with no answer as he huffed and sighed. He looked around the office looking like he was ticked off by something. I didn't know what it was but I'd probably want to know after we get our talk in, hopefully Eric survives P.C Principal since he's alone more tough on us then our last principal, plus he's a dad of 4 so it must be hard on him.

"I'll tell you after. Let's just hope this doesn't take long." Is the answer I had gotten from Eric as he looked at me still with a sorta face that said something was bugging him. I would usually crack a joke right about now to try and cheer him up but I feel like right now isn't the best time.

Eric's POV

Soon me and Jimmy were called into the Office after bebe and her goon gave us a nasty look each, he just flipped her off while Jimmy ignored her. We walked in as P.C Principal told us to take a seat. I took one on the left while Jimmy took the one on the right. Soon P.C Principal spoke up.

"So, I hear you gentleman attacked bebe and her friend at lunch today for no reason. I would like to hear your side of the story just so we are all on the same page."

He spoke up in his series tone, he wanted to ask us questions I guessed so I simply spoke up so we didn't have to spend an hour waiting for Jimmy to get through a single sentence. One time we stayed on hour at a farm because he couldn't get through "Flute" it was a bit dumb.

"Bebe insulted our friend pip and then she tried to attack us, me and Jimmy fought back in self defense for pip as he got scared to fight. I don't regretting beating up the bitch."

As soon as I said that Jimmy got a bit nervous as P.C Principal grabbed me and started yelling that Calling a woman a bitch is insulting to them for some reason. He put my down back into my chair luckily as I was shaking, he moved into jimmy as he said the same thing I said.

"Okay gentlemen, thank you for your time I will make sure to talk to your parents about what happened unfortunately. Get back to class please."

He pointed to the door as he started calling out parents, I feel like Jimmy won't be able to handle his parents since they thought he was a message from God since they used to make fun of the cripple kids when they were out age. Hopefully they've gotten passed that but my mom won't be a problem, I may have lost my cute exterior of when I was in 5th grade but now I'm in 8th and have my Coolness and persuasion to win her over to my side.

Tolkien's POV

I was waiting outside the principals office for Jimmy and Cartman, they soon walked out as Cartman surprisingly didn't have any bruises or scars on him from PC. Principal. I started walking with them. Wondering what happened.

"Hey guys, I heard what happened and did you guys really stand up for pip and get in trouble?"

As I asked that Jimmy nodded and so did Cartman, I was a big confused on how Cartman got involved because he hates British people for someone odd reason.

"W-w-w-we didn't get in trouble but e-e-eric got yelled at for calling bebe a b-b-bitch."

As soon as Jimmy said that I knew something was up, I didn't know what but now I was a bit interested, he signalled Jimmy to text me after school if he found out, I soon walked off to class as they went to their classes. Hopefully everything is alright.

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