The Prophecy

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Dave spent the rest of the day with Ade, Dylan, and when she returned home from work, Nathalie as well, just enjoying the company. He called home intending to let Tamar know to expect him but got a message on the answerphone stating that Dave was on tour and so currently out of reach, and that Tamar could temporarily be reached at what he recognised as the number for the Carlsons' Honolulu flat. Dave was a little surprised at that but called Tamar there and let her know he'd be back for a few days due to Steve's injury and some cancelled shows. After that, he spent the night in Ade's arms before needing to get back to the airport for his flight to Hawaii.

When he got to the Honolulu flat, Tamar surprised him by being home. He'd assumed from the message on the answerphone that she'd gone right back to work after she'd arrived home and that her father needed her in Honolulu for a couple of weeks for some reason. He'd thought to get to the flat before she was done work for the day and surprise her by having a meal ready when she came in. However, she came to greet him as he opened the door.

"Good to see you, Dave," Tamar said, giving him a smile and a hug. "How was the trip?"

"Long, but uneventful," Dave said, hugging back. "I'm surprised to see you here this early, though. I'd figured that you'd be working."

"I wish," Tamar grumbled. "No, after I passed out three times in a week, my obstetrician determined that I've developed anemia due to the pregnancy. He prescribed iron supplements, but I did need to get a transfusion as well, and now I'm considered a high-risk pregnancy. I'm to remain in Honolulu until the baby's born, simply because the hospital here is much better equipped to handle it if anything goes wrong with me or the baby. Like, there's a neonatal intensive care unit here, unlike in the hospital on Maui."

"Do you need me to leave the tour and stay with you?" Dave immediately asked. "You know I will."

"I know you will, but you don't need to," Tamar told him with another smile. "I should be fine as long as I keep taking the iron supplements and otherwise do as my obstetrician tells me to do. But maybe call more often? That way, if I do need you to come home for any reason, I won't have to leave a message at whatever venue you're playing, you know?"

"Yeah, I can do that, no problem," Dave said. "Is there anything I can do for you whilst I'm here? I know it's only for a few days, but whatever I can do to help out, you know I want to."

Tamar's smile softened. "I know you do, and I appreciate it. Um, do you mind cooking while you're here? I'm supposed to try to eat more broccoli, spinach, and red meat, but the smell of the meat before it's cooked makes me nauseous, so then I don't want to eat it once it's cooked."

"Of course," Dave replied. "Steak, roast beef, burgers? Whatever sounds good to you. If I don't know how to make it, I'll learn."

Tamar laughed at that and kissed his cheek. "My hero as always. Thanks for being you, Dave." With a grin, she added, "Steaks tonight? You can do them on the grill with jacket potatoes and I'll make a big salad as well."

"Sounds good to me," Dave said. "I'm going to unpack and nap for a couple of hours, if that's okay? So's I'll not doze off in the middle of dinner for not being adjusted to the time here."

"Go right ahead, I'm not doing anything but reading or watching tv anyway," Tamar said. "God help me, but I'm actually starting to get interested in a couple of the soaps."

Dave laughed and kissed her cheek. "Well, enjoy, whatever it is you decide to do." He grabbed his bags and headed off to the bedroom, where he unpacked and quickly fell asleep.

He woke a couple of hours later and looked in on Tamar. She lounged in front of the telly, watching some drama based around a fictional hospital, or so he guessed from the number of characters wearing lab coats or surgical scrubs. Dave grinned and left her to it, heading to the kitchen to pack up everything he'd need to take out to the community's picnic area in order to make dinner.

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