Why did it sound so familiar?

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After a couple minutes of driving, I finally reach the gates of my new home. I drive through to the front of my garage and park the car. I get out of the car as I think of what style dress should I wear. Should I wear something casual, or fancy, or do I go for something more revealing. He mentioned that he had lot's of money so I figured fancy was the best way to go. I unlock the front door and walk into the house. I go up to my room and grab my laptop. After I grab my laptop I head down stairs and plop myself down onto the couch. I open up the laptop and open a search browser. Since I'm knew in town, I should probably find a place that I can get a dress, after all, I only had five and a half hours before my date. I scroll through some websites and find that there is a block of shops with multiple dress shops there, I should probably check this area out. I look through the online catalogues to see if I can find anything I'm interested in. These websites didn't really hav many photos on them, I guess I'll just have to see what they're like when I'm there.

I go to the kitchen and grab myself a glass and then fill it up with water. I can't believe I'm going out with a guy I just met in, in a town I just moved too. I think I might be going crazy. I chug down the glass of water before placing by the sink and grabbing my leather bag. I check to make sure I had everything I needed, wallet, credit cards, phone, keys. Yep, I'm all ready to go. I start to walk out before I catch a glimpse of the view, it was so beautiful, I never new that a place like this would have such a wonderfull view. I must have gotten the full package when I moved here. After standing there, admiring the view, I decided I should probably go. I needed to buy a dress, shoes, and I even had to buy new makeup. I really had left so much behind, but my dad wanted me out of there, and he wanted me out of there quick. I sigh at the thought but leave the house and enter my car again. I feel like I've been driving so much, but in a week or so I will hopefully be settled and have a much more chill life. I get into my car and turn it on and reverse out of the driveway and off of the property. I open my phone and decide I want to listen to music. I open Spotify and open a playlist. I click shuffle and the first song that plays was 'Call me maybe'. I smile as I start to hear it play, I always loved this song. I start to sing along as I knew every lyric to it. 'I threw a wish in the well. Don't ask me, I'll never tell. I looked to you as it fell, and now you're in my way.' I couldn't help but smile, music has a way of making me happy, even when I didn't think I could be. As I sing, I begin to dance a round a little bit, but being cautious that I don't bump anything in the car. 'Hot night, wind was blowin', where you think you're going, baby. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe.' After I sing that line I suddenly realised something, that line describes what happened between Klaus and I yesterday I giggle at that thought and get back to the song. After what felt like a while of singing, I finally reached the block of shops.

I pull over and park on the side of the road. I look around and see lats of people walking about with their friends, holding bags contains things they bought whilst out shopping. I can't help but sigh as I remember the friends I was forced to leave behind. I knew this was all my fault, but I still felt really bad. I didn't mean for anyone else to get hurt by this, but I guess all my friends will have to learn to live without me. I lock my car as I begin to walk towards the first shop. The sign read 'Amandas Boutique'. This place sounds fancy. I push open the door as I stroll in, I admire the dresses surrounding me, before I notice the beautiful architecture. The walls were white and had some fancy gold lights on them. I look down and examine the floor, it looked like a dark timber. This entire shop screamed elegance.

I walk over to a rack of dresses and pull out one that was blue. It looked nice, but I wasn't sure if it was the right one for occasion. I glance around the room trying to find a dress that said 'I'm a crazy woman who just moved to town and is having date with a guy I just met'. My eyes immediately stopped when I find a dress across the other side of the room. I walk over there, excited about what I might find. As I get over there I find the dress I saw. It was beautiful. It was a shade of light blue, with a sweetheart neckline, a ribbon that goes around the waist and bits of lace found on different spots on the dress. After gazing at it for a couple seconds more, I grab it and head to the dressing rooms. As soon as I put it on, I knew this was the dress I was going to get. It showed that I was trying, but it had a nice simplicity to it that said, I'm a simple gal, but also so much more. I twirl around and admire it for a more moments before I take it off again and get back into my other clothes. I head out of the dressing room and towards the counter. I give the dress to the lady before she puts it in a garment bag and hands it back to me. I quickly pay for it before heading out of the shop. I could tell that check out lady was not a talker.

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