Chapter 2: The Training and the Briefing

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It was a chill summer day in the outskirts of Tokyo. That time came around where it was time for the two friends to do their round of training. It was going all dandy and fine as Yuri was shooting at the targets. He got six shots out of eighteen. It was embarrasing, but considering he hasn't shot guns at all, this was expected. Jack also fumbled badly as he got four out of sixteen shots. This was also fairly tarnishing. The coach walked between Jack and Yuri, and he was flabberghasted at their horrific aim.

"Even my grandma could aim better!" The coach yelled out. "If I could aim better with my eyes closed, and you can't even aim to save your life, that means you two genuinely suck at shooting!"

After a bit longer of the coach making the duo feel like shit, the coach grabbed an AR-15 from the side, closed his eyes, and fired at the target. However the coach was lying, and got zero hits out of thirty shots in that one round alone. He even accidentally killed someone and injured two others. The coach, humiliated and embarassed, stumbled away from them, clearly now known as being full of himself. The duo finally decided to try again, and got twenty-eight out of thirty shots on the target, which was a passing grade. The two go home, feeling excited that they finally passed training, but a bit annoyed that the coach wasn't stripped of his serving rights.

Two days later, the two went to the base again, surrounded by the other fifteen new soldier rookies in the same wearhouse they trained inside days prior. The seventeen newbies were confident in their skills. They all recieved their generic JSDF uniform and their AR-15 guns, clearly excited, but a little nervous. Yuri was different. Since he could shoot so well with a crappy handgun (which was an MP7 submachine gun), he was made captain of the team. Jack, who could shoot so well with a hunting rifle, was made co-captain of the team. Jack and Yuri recieved their uniforms and went to the changing room to put them on. Jack had a dark green singlet t-shirt and long green matching green pants. He wore black boots and black combat gloves. He also had a dark green sweatband over his slightly overgrown black hair. With Jack's beard combed and his natural brown eye sheen, he was ready to snipe! Yuri's uniform, on the other hand, consisted of a black pilot cap over his brown hair. He wore a basic white sports singlet with a blue leader coat over it. He wore brown gloves and brown pants, with the coat overlapping the pants. The black boots was also an essential to his captain uniform. The two came out of their changing lockers, ready to tackle even the greatest of threats.

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