Normal day..?

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The weather has undergone a significant shift in the past few days, characterized by a persistent darkness that has been rather unsettling. As an avid fan of horror stories, I cannot help but feel as though I am living in one, albeit not one with a happy ending, but rather a full-fledged horror story.

Please pardon my earlier omission. My name is Kearomi Janteth-Huan, and I was born in Japan. I relocated to England at the age of eight. Although both my parents were Japanese, they passed away when I was seven, and I was subsequently adopted.

Currently, I reside in a three-storeyed dwelling, wherein one level is designated for female occupants and the uppermost level is allocated for male occupants. Each floor comprises four rooms, necessitating the sharing of living quarters among the residents. Personally, I am paired with Ruby Henning as my roommate, as our personalities exhibit striking similarities. Additionally, a few educators also reside within the premises; however, we commute daily to a public educational institution, rendering our living arrangement akin to that of a conventional household.

Hey there! Let me tell you my story, are you ready? It all started on a Monday morning, you know the kind where you just want to stay in bed all day. But I couldn't because I'm in year 9 now and I'm at a new school. It's a fresh start for all of us! I live in England and our school system is a bit different here. We have nursery, then first school (years 0-4), then secondary/middle school (years 5-8), and finally the upper school (years 9-13). Exciting, right? Let's see where this journey takes us!

I understand that the past few weeks have been quite overwhelming and filled with unexpected events. However, I genuinely want to ensure that we begin this conversation on a positive note, right from the very beginning.

Okay, listen up! I've got some juicy gossip to spill, but I made a promise that I wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. So, technically, I haven't. But let me tell you, it's about Zack, and he's gone and done something crazy!

Now, Zack isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to survival skills or reading maps. Nope, he's downright terrible at it. But guess what? He's only gone and run away from school! Can you believe it?

So, here I am, at my new school, which is like a bustling city on its own. Seriously, it's massive and always buzzing with activity. Can you imagine? Sixteen classes in each year group! It's mind-boggling!

And wouldn't you know it, my very first lesson is English. Ugh, I can't stand English! But hey, at least it's a distraction from all the drama with Zack.

When I walked into room C28, my English classroom, I was in for a surprise - a brand new seating arrangement. And guess who I ended up sitting next to? None other than my crush, Euan Beanks. Let me tell you, he's not just sweet, but also incredibly attractive and cute. I couldn't believe my luck!

But here's the catch - my ex-bestie, Shantell, has a massive crush on him too. It's so frustrating! I wish we could have some alone time together, just once. I glanced over to where I was supposed to be seated, and to my disappointment, it was separated into two desks.

However, the English class flew by in a flash. Euan and I chatted non-stop, and I even managed to get his number. Can you believe it? I was over the moon with happiness.

As I walked into my math class, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. After all, I was in the top set for math and I knew I was going to ace this test. My teacher, Mr. Samuelson, was known for being strict but incredibly intelligent. As he handed out the test, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. Why did we have to take a test on such a beautiful day? But as I looked at the questions, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Questions like "What's 300/28 then put under the power of 5" were a breeze for me. I barely spent 10 minutes on the test and was the first one done, of course! It's amazing how good I am at math, and I can't wait to see what other challenges come my way.

Oh, what a bummer! It started raining during break time. But, I didn't let that dampen my spirits. I had an amazing breakfast and was feeling pretty good about myself. In fact, I had an extra waffle to munch on during lunchtime. And, it seemed like I wasn't the only one with this idea. Euan and his buddies decided to join me in the classroom. Unfortunately, Euan's best friend, Lewis, sat next to me. I couldn't stand him. Suddenly, Euan walked out looking really nervous. I was so confused and had no idea what was going on. Then, he dropped a bombshell. "Euan has a giant crush on you, and I know that you really like him... Zack told me himself..." I felt betrayed by Zack, but I was also intrigued to hear more. Euan's friend continued, "He wants to go out with you, that's all." I could feel my cheeks turning red as I blushed. "Well, glad we feel the same way. Now, move please. I don't really want to be caught talking to you," I laughed. Just then, Euan walked in as the bell rang. 

When the bell rang for lunch, Euan and I walked out together. In that moment, I made the decision to confide in him that I was planning to skip lunch and the last two lessons, simply because I felt like it. As we parted ways, each going in our own direction, I found myself unlocking my front door just five minutes later. Collapsing onto the sofa, I couldn't help but appreciate the fact that we had recently acquired a new one, which happened to be the most comfortable sofa I had ever experienced. Feeling a sense of contentment, I decided to treat myself to a kebab takeaway for lunch, savouring half of it and saving the rest for dinner.

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