Chapter 14: the final blunt

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Spongebob & Marvin head to the final game, squid game.
Solider- in the final game, squid game, one of you is offense while the other is de-
Spongebob lunges at Marvin, punching him until he is a bloody mess, Marvin fights back by stabbing him.
Solider- or just fist fight, whatever...
Tiger v.I.p- I just got news, they shot the intruder dead!
Bear v.I.p- not now, these two are really getting at it.
SpongeBob and Marvin continued to fight.
Spongebob- you killed butters!
Marvin- he was useless, he was just a kid! He wouldn't have known what to do with the money!
Spongebob- he wanted a better life! Like me, like us!
They both stopped fighting as they both slowly bled out.
SpongeBob- this needs to stop, we can't keep going on like this....
Marvin- what are you saying have better ambitions than me, I'm just a pawn....
SpongeBob- well you don't have to be...if we both win we could split.
The v.I.p watches from above
Tiger v.I.p- what is that idiot doing?
SpongeBob- we're not playing anymore of your stupid games, gawk at us all you want, but admit it, you lost all morals!
Marvin-(I can't, he's too nice for the world, he deserves the money more than me...)
Marvin takes the knife & stabs himself with it.
Marvin bled out from his stab wound.
SpongeBob- no, please!
Marvin- congrats, you won, thanks for playing with me...
Marvin then dies....
SpongeBob was frozen shock as he was taken away by the soldiers.
Soldiers- come, you will meet the creator.
They go to a golden office where the creator was seated.
Solider- sir, the winner is here to see you.
The creator turns out to be none other than spamton.
SpongeBob- spamton?!?! I thought you were dead!
Spamton- nope, because you see, the bullet the solider fired, that was a [warning shot] I was never [deceased]!
SpongeBob scrunched his fists, then remembers he has Marvin's knife.
Marvin-(go on, get these motherf*ckers!)
SpongeBob lunges at spamton with a knife to his neck. Soldiers hold up their guns.
SpongeBob- don't you dare! I'll slice his neck! Stay back!
Soldiers- you don't have to do this mr.SquarePants.
Then certain laughing was heard behind the soldiers. SpongeBob slits spamton's neck as the soldiers guards were down, before they could shoot, they were knocked out by being drop kicked. SpongeBob took the soldier's gun and shot the soldiers dead.
SpongeBob- thank you-RIPPER ROO?!
Ripper roo was revealed to be the person who dropkicked the soldiers
SpongeBob- but I thought you were dead! You weren't breathing after you dropped dead from dinner!
Ripper roo- hahahaha (well you see SpongeBob, that was planned, I dropped my pulse for a minute to give you guys time to get to bed, then when the soliders try to receive my dead body I ambushed them, after that I found where they keep the explosives and placed them around the building, every last room, then I came to look for you after hearing you won!)
SpongeBob- holy sh*t, you're a genius!
Ripper roo- hahaha ( now let's get out of here before this place blows!)
SpongeBob & ripper started running to the nearest exit.
Soliders- not so fast!
The soliders started firing their guns, but ripper hopped high enough to dodge them. He kicked everyone and knocked them out.
SpongeBob ran past them. They both find the exit and bust it open.
They ran as far as they could before they found land.  Ripper pulls out a button from his straitjacket.
Ripper roo-HAHA! (BLAM!)
He presses the button, the whole building explodes, all the soliders, along with the front man dies. But spamton, in his neo form,Somehow makes it out.
Spamton- you may have won [little sponge] but I will remain! This [entertainment] will remain for eternity!
Before he could make a move, a kart suddenly hit him from above.
Ripper roo-HAHAHA (whoops, that must be my ride!)
He hops in his car and opens a portal.
Ripper roo- hahahahaha (here, you might need this as well!)
He hands him a portal gun to help him open a portal back to his home.
Ripper roo- hahahahaha (if you ever need me, dial b-o-o-m!)
Ripper speeds of into his portal as it closes. SpongeBob goes into his portal as well.
His portal closes as he stands in front of his pineapple house. He walks into his home, somber. He finds Gary starving.
SpongeBob-Gary! Oh my god I'm so sorry, I should of fed you long ago!
He gives Gary his food as he makes a phone call to Mr.krabs.
SpongeBob- Mr.krabs, I won't be at work for a couple of days...I have a lot on my mind right now....
He hangs up the phone and receives a email from someone anonymous. "Check your bank account!" It says. Spongebob opens it to find $1,000,000,000  in there with a note saying, "congrats, you won! Well not really but it was by default, I stole it just for you spongebob! Hope you pay your bills or donate to charity! I'm spending my share on textbooks! It was nice being your friend spongebob, hope we see each other again! Sincerely, ripper roo."
SpongeBob smiled at the note while Gary sat on his lap just as he finished his food.
Spongebob- you know, not all hope is lost gary....
He then receives a phone call from Patrick.
Patrick- spongebob where were you?!
Spongebob- I was stuck in hard times Patrick...
Patrick- oh thank goodness you're back! First squidward, now you...
SpongeBob-wait...what do you mean squidward?
Patrick-squidward's been gone for weeks spongebob! He never told us where he's at!
SpongeBob- that is weird...well I gotta head to bed Patrick, I missed you buddy, how about we go jellyfishing tommorow?
Patrick- oh boy! Jellyfishing!
SpongeBob- alright, bye buddy.
SpongeBob hangs up the phone and heads to his bed room, Gary slithers to his snail bed as well.
SpongeBob- it's good to be back buddy.
Gary- meow.
SpongeBob turns off his lamp as he goes to sleep.

The end......

The person shows the photo to the other.

To be another universe

Squid game 420: hope's ablazed Where stories live. Discover now