Twin Chat

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Chapter 45

I arrived in New Orleans at night. There was a festival going on in the streets, just like there was when I had left. I had to leave my car in a parking lot.

When I looked closer I saw Hayley, my niece's mother, dancing in the middle of the street. She was wearing a wedding dress.

I didn't stop, I just kept walking towards the compound. That's where I found Klaus hanging ominously on a balcony. He smiled at down at me.

Suddenly he disappeared. And before I knew it he was standing in front of me. "My darling twin sister, it lovely to see you. Come on." He started walking back into the compound. I followed.

"So, Hayley got married?" I asked as we stepped into the compound, remembering her chemistry with Elijah the last time I was here. "The last time I was here, I had a feeling there was something between her and Elijah."

"There was. And still is." He opened the door to the kitchen then pulled a chair out for me. "It's just what she thinks is best for our daughter."

"About her, was I completely wrong to hope that I could met my niece?" I asked taking a sip of the tea he had given me.

"You will, I just wanted to check up with my twin. How was your flight?" He asked.

"Oh, I didn't fly. I drove. I wanted to bring my car, it just seemed easier, considering I'm planning on stay for a while."

"That good to hear. But we both know why you're really here." He stared at me. "To fulfill the deal we made."

"I will admit, that is why I came. But I'm planning on staying because I want to get to know the people my siblings have become."

"Why did you need that money anyways." He asked.

"A friend, had some medical debt, I wanted to help." I said trying to make him think it was a man I love.

"A boyfriend?" He smirked.

I chuckled. "Ex, actually. But he's still my friend."

"What's this suitor's name?"

"Stiles. Stiles Stilinski." I answered.

"Strange name." I laughed at his comment. "You still love him don't you."

"Honestly, yes. I don't even know why I broke up with him. Maybe because I was young and stupid."

"In your mind, you were young and in love. And when someone betrays that love, it can hurt." He said.

"Says a man speaking from experience. Who?"

"Agh, many women." He said clearly lying.

"Oh, come on. Give me some credit brother. I'm your twin. I know you're lying. Spill it." I smirked at him.

"Fine, her name was Caroline." He stopped talking, but I gave him a stare telling him to keep going. "I admired her. But nothing could ever happen. She had a boyfriend and couldn't love me in the way I loved her."

"Hmm." I said.

"What about you. Anymore, man who broke my twin's heart."

"One, but he didn't break it willingly." I said.

"Died." He looked down at the ground.

"How'd you know?"

"You have a look in your eyes that comes with lose of a loved one." He said. "What was his name."

"Aiden Steiner, he was a wolf. He died just after me. I didn't get say a proper goodbye. And he died thinking he would be with me. But he's not. And I don't remember if we were ever together in the after life." I looked down and  tried to will myself not to cry. I grabbed a side of his jacket that I was wearing. "This was his."

"I'm sorry."

I nodded, I had no idea what else to say. I missed Aiden. He was the most important person in my life for a while. I still haven't found someone to take that stop from him.

"I think it's time for you to met your niece." Klaus said.

"Really?" I asked feeling the my heart swell and my anxiety go off the charts.

"Yeah. Come on." He stood up and started walking, I walked besides him.

My palms were getting sweaty. I was nervous. I wanted to know this girl. She is gonna be a legend. She's the tribrid. But she's also my baby niece. That's all that really mattered to me.

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