Unexpected Attraction chapter 2

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"You know Rin, if you are desperate to get a boyfriend, I don't mind being your cool boyfriend for a while"
"Fuck no"
I walk away from him as fast as I could while putting my earphones back on. It was now playing night drive by All American Rejects. Wtf was wrong with him!? I mean, when did I ever said I was desperate into having a boyfriend!? Or like he said 'a cool boyfriend". If I ever was, I'm damn sure he will not be my first choice, nor my second, or my last... Basically he will not even cross my mind in that moment.

He was probably joking around like always. Yea, probably it was that. I mean, he just verily broke up with his last girlfriend two weeks ago! For gods sake! Two weeks ago!

Actually, never mind, it's not surprising at all, his a big flirt after all, it's no wonder his ex-ex-ex-ex-ex girlfriends always dump him. Probably he has gone to another level of narcissism to the point he thinks his childhood friend, meaning me, finds him attractive.

"Never gonna happen Jake," I say to myself.

I let out a tired sigh when I see the school closer. I seriously didn't want to go to class and deal with fake ass people right now.

In the past we didn't care who was this or who was that, who was doing the good and who was doing the bad. And sincerely, I still don't give two shits about it, but Unfortunately he does now.

When I step into campus the first person I saw was my best friend, Vivian, running towards me. Her curly blond hair was bouncing everywhere. Her bright blue eyes shine with happiness and excitement to see me. Today she was wearing her favorite blue shirt of superman, black skinny jeans and red converse (somehow all that match). When she got closer to me she gave a little jump and gave me a tight hug.

My best friend Vivian is a hybrid, half mermaid and half bird, weird combination right? Well cuss of that combination she had to deal with some... bullying in the past. In 7th grade when I was walking home I saw how a group of people were verbally and physically hurting her. At that moment something in me touch a nerve, causing me to explode out of anger and with out a warning i attack them. Sincerely, I don't remember what I did to them, I guess I was on full wolf mode. But what I'm sure about is that I don't regret it. Yes, I did go to the police place for just some hours and got in big ass trouble with my mom, but it was worth it. I was proud of myself of what I did. And it wasn't that bad, when I got back to school after a week of suspension I found out that Vivian was the one who got me out of prison by explaining to the officers what had happen, and since then we have been grate friends.

But unfortunately the bullying didn't stop right away. I had to defend her for some months until I give her a little push to express herself and defend herself with words (she's against violence) and when finally she crack and said everything she had bottle up for years the bullying stop right away. Being a half mermaid had its advantages I have to say.

There's some people here and there that keep talking shit but really, why do they do that? Seriously!?

Hybrids are not rare to see, it's just "different" from what people are used to and for Some people they see them as something weird and disgusting and feel that it's their job to remind them that they are different from others. But others who have an open mine don't really give a shit and accept them and leave on with their life's without tormenting them.

That's not the only problem tho. Although we, the supernatural, have leaved with the humans for generations, theres still some demons and humans that are still against this "union," Causing commotion, war, and discrimination(bullying).

In the past generations some people would had thought that supernatural and humans leaving together would led to a better world with no discrimination and world peas, but they were really, really wrong.
War still happens, discrimination still exist, the evil and good, nothing has change!
-sigh- why am I braking my head for this.
"Rin Rin did you hear me??"
"Hu? What?"
"I said you can let go now"
I looked down at her waist and that's when I realize I still had my arms around her small form, "oh, I-I-I'm sorry Vivi" i stutter.
"It's okay" she said between giggles, "You are comfy to hug"
"I'm comfy or my boobs are comfy?"
We both laugh at her answer and started to walk to our first period class. We stop at our lockers, that were luckily right next to each other, to get our stuff for the day. When we had everything we needed Vivi asked me a question that I really had hope she wouldn't had asked, "why didn't you come to school with Jake? Did you two had a fight?"
Oh god
"Ummm, not necessarily a fight" I said awkwardly, "it's just that he... You know... Asked me-"
We slightly jump in surprise and look behind us at the same time to see Sergio walking towards us while waiving two small papers above his head.
Omg, thank you Sergio!!! You saved me!
Okay, obviously I was not about to say that out loud. And I was more interested now in the two papers he was holding in his hand. I just hope those little papers will brighten my day, "what is it Sharky?" I scream back at him.
"You guys will not believe this!" He said while getting even closer to us, " I got your guys band to perform in the club on Saturday!!"
"What! Are you serious!?" Me and Vivi yell at the same time.
"Hells yea I am!!" He show us the two papers he had and were two passes for back stage, "Oh my god!!! Sharky you are the fucken best!!!"
"I know I know, you don't have to remind me"
"We have to tell the others!" Vivi suggested while hugging the pass and spinning around. Oh yes, this absolutely made my day.
"Fuck we are gonna be late for class!"
"Better late then sorry" Vivi said with a big smile on her face, "trueee, but I don't want to get killed by Mr. Vega and then get detention"
Vivi agreed and we both started to run to class while waving good bye to Sergio.
Maybe today isn't going to be so bad...

Yay second chapter done!! I did this on my phone so probably isn't that well written but it's okay :3 so the story hasn't really gotten interesting (I know, trust me) but we will be getting there :3
See you next chapter :)

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