001 The Snake

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Tw: Mention of rape, Mention of a lot of stuff


Mary grabbed a whole sheet of paper and walked to her brother's office, her eyes softened seeing her eldest brother had a cigar between his fingers, trying to calm his nerves down, Mary slammed the paper down in front of him, making him flinch

"I'll be home by six alright?"

The young Carmelita walked in with a tray of tea, as Mary walked out grabbed her coat walked to the pub, she nodded her head towards Freddie, before getting behind the bar, she grabbed a bottle opened it placed it in front of Thomas

"On the house"

Mary grabbed another bottle, pouring it onto a bottle eyeing a man before Danny came in trashing the place, before Thomas and Freddie calmed him down, Thomas placed money in front of Mary making her raise her eyebrows

"It was on the hou-"

"It's for the kid Mary, the one you got pregnant with"

Mary rubbed her temple, grabbed the money, and placed it in her pocket, as she walked away to serve another customer

In the morning, Mary helped Harry fix the bar before a blonde woman wearing green came in

"I'm here about the job as a barmaid"

Mary stayed silent, as she fixed the tables that were flipped over

"Are you mad?"

"Am I what?"

The woman asked confused, Mary sighed turning to them

"Do you know about this place?"

"I saw it in an advertisement"

"Jobs have been filled"

"Harry maybe give her a chance"

Mary said, looking at him as she held the broom, Harry raised his eyebrows as if Mary was joking

"I mean we could use some help, what's... Your name?"


Mary nodded, before speaking again

"Can you sing?"

Grace nodded, smiling at Mary, the brunette then turned to Harry tilting her head with a smirk

It was a busy day in the pub, Grace walked to Mary handing her the money

"He was one of the people you warned me about... How do you exactly know him?"

"Childhood? He gave me this job, cause I got pregnant with a child, and I needed money"

Grace nodded and walked off to serve drinks

Vanya walked to Arthur, wiping the blood off his eye, before grabbing the rum she grabbed the towel, squeezing the wanted, before pouring rum on it, and washing Arthur's bloody face, Vanya watched as Arthur whispered to Tommy, before walking out of the room

Mary helped Carmelita in the bath, washing her hair noticing her sad look

"What is wrong?"

Mary asked, forcing Carmelita to look at her

"How did you have me"

Mary looked at her, before scrubbing the child's arm

"I was... Fifteen when I had you kid, I was young and stupid... And a whore, I had two brothers to take care of, and yet here we are"

Mary knew that was a lie, a lie that haunted her entire life, Carmelita nodded and continued washing herself

Carmelita dragged the chair to the bar, and Finn got on it and walked to the picture frame

"Lads, what are you doing?"

"We're having a fire"

Finn said, making Harry confused, Carmelita followed Finn quickly, her little feet stomping on the ground stone

Mary watched as the pictures burned, as Carmelita and Finn ran over to her laughing, the children hugging her legs like a mother, as she held their heads watching Thomas talk to someone

In the house, Vanya watched Polly and Ada talking as she ate her food, the silence covered them as Polly stared at Ada


Ada asked as she licked the jam off her finger, Vanya took the bread out of her mouth and looked at Polly

"Stand up"


Ada questioned

"Just stand up"

Polly said, placing the paper on the table

"Side on"

Vanya moved Polly aside, before groping Ada's chest

"Vanya, what are you doing!?"

Ada shrieked in surprise, as Vanya turned to Polly nodding, before sitting back down and eating her jam and toast

"Ada, how late are you?"

Polly asked, making Ada look around trying to find the words

"One week... Five weeks, seven if you count weekends I think it's a lack of iron... I got some tablets?"

"But they didn't work?"

Ada shook her head, sitting on the chair again, Polly turned to the young girl again who was eating her food away, at twelve she already acted like Polly... It was no surprise anyway

Thomas got off Mary breathing heavily, laying on the other side of the bed next to her, Mary stayed silent as she played with the blanket

"What are you thinking?"

Thomas asked, looking at Mary

"I'm worried about Clarita... That is all"

Thomas sighed, getting out of bed putting his trousers back on, and making Mary sit up and look at him

"Where are you going?"

Thomas didn't answer, leaving quickly making the woman chuckle sarcastically, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it, before lying in bed again

In the evening, Mary was glancing at the papers, before hearing Clarita walk-in

"It's for you..."

Mary looked up, and her eyes widened, her heart stopped seeing Billy fucking Kimber pointing a gun at her neck, Billy smiled waving at her with the gun in hand

"Clarita, would you mind, going to bed?"

Clarita nodded, and left quickly, as Billy sat in front of her smiling, Mary stared at him remembering that same night, that ran through her thoughts

She was fifteen, and he was sixteen, the young Mary walking down the streets, after taking a sip before Billy grabbed her by the waist and raped her, she was screaming for help and no one bothered to help her, only glancing at the two

"Have you heard Mary?"

"Heard what"

Mary snapped out, as she sat straight, looking at Billy

"Your friend Tommy fixed the races without my permission"

Mary flinched, as Billy touched her face, and traced his finger down her jaw, before his finger landed in the opening of her dress, she grabbed her by the center of the dress, making her gasp

"How about a tiny warning... Would you? Surely Tommy doesn't want you, to experience it again"

Billy smiled, pushing her back to the chair, before walking off, as Mary watched in fear, tears in her eyes about to spill as the door was shut loud


Words: 1065

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