002 It's The Consequences

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Mary walked to Thomas, as he knocked on the small door.

"Give me a bottle of whiskey and three glasses, please."

"Scotch or Irish?"


Mary nodded and walked to the bottles, grabbing the whiskey and glasses, she walked back to Thomas placing it in front of him.

"I've decided not to go to the race, not unless you give me two pounds ten shillings, for the dress."

Thomas smiled, as he heard those words.

"I gave you three."

"The dress I want is green Tommy... My favor-"

"Your favorite color yes."

Mary smirked and placed the bottle in front of him, before leaning in close.

"It's not me you dressing up for anyway."

Mary chuckled and walked off rolling her eyes.

In her house, Mary saw the dress and took out the cigarette smirking, before Carmelita ran in with a jewelry box giggling.

"You can use this for the race mum!"

Mary smiled, sitting next to Carmelita as she grabbed a necklace with a locket, her smile fell seeing it was her and Thomas both in their teenage years, inside of that locket.

In the race, Mary stood next to Thomas, starting at the crowded space, she raised her eyebrow before Thomas spoke.

"I still prepare the Garission."

"So do I."

Thomas chuckled, as Mary took a sip of her drink.

"You dance?"

"Tommy... You have known me for years you should know that."

Thomas shrugged as he took his hand out with a smile, Mary took his hand and began to dance with him in the crowd, and their eyes were on Kimber, as Thomas span her around making her chuckle, Victoria sat in the chair uncomfortable, as the dress was too tight for her, her mother tried helping her but she refuses, as Mary and Thomas continued dancing, as Victoria looked at Mary with curiosity, as Thomas began to move through the crowd, he slips his leg between her middle part to carry her a bit.

"Thomas what the fuck."

Thomas said nothing, as they kept moving to a door, Mary stood near the door sighing as Arthur was near the door, placing a bunch of bags down.

"Nice dress Mary, could wear that in my bed ey?"

"Buy the boys a drink. Anybody hurt?"

Thomas asked as Mary looked back at the crowd sighing.

"Few cuts and bruises."

"Off we go, Lady Aurora."

Victoria flinched when half of the coins fell to her skirt, and she stood up walked to her mother, and sat next to her confused about what was going on, Victoria played with her pearl bracelet as she hummed ignoring them, Mary noticed as Kimber walked to Mary offering his hand.

"Your man said it's alright for me to have this dance."

"Is that so."

Mary said glaring at Thomas, before taking his hand with a fake smile, Victoria looked up watching her mother's jealous eyes watching her father dancing with another woman, Victoria looked away in silence, as she noticed her father still starting at Mary, as Kimber suggested a dinner in his house, as Victoria rolled her eyes standing up and walking with two men to lead her to the car to go home.

In the evening, Victoria leaned her head to the door hearing her parents argue about how Kimber almost raped Mary, she flinched hearing a glass break, making Victoria crawl to her older brother's room with tears, as Victoria went into his arms in fear.

At the wedding, Lucille walked in wearing the simple wedding dress, her face covered by the veil as she kept her head low, and then got on her knees in front of Johnny, her girl on the veil as she lifted it, her doe eyes then looked at John smiling, who smiled smugly back at her.

"do you John Micheal Shelby, take Lucille Martha Lee to be your beautiful wife?"

Lucille's eyes flinched a bit when the blade sliced her hand drawing blood, before she grabbed John's hand holding his and smiling at him before Johnny pronounced them man and wife, as the people cheered.

Lucille got out of the car almost tripling, and walked to the a bit dizzy, before she walked to Ada screaming in pain, Lucille grabbed her hand and made her sit up trying his best to help her, Ada was screaming in pain before Lucille touched her stomach.

"We have to switch the pose."

Lucille then helped her to her knees and she screamed even more, the newborn crying in Ada's arms as she smiled before Freddie came in, Lucille leaned into the door smiling as she held a cross necklace, before the door began to bang loudly.

"Open the door, police!"

Lucille turned to see the door being kicked open before she tried to push the policemen away.

"You can't bloody come in here! There's a baby has just been born!"

Lucille moved away watching in fear as Freddie was taken away, Lucille watched as Polly ran out to talk to Thomas, and Lucille walked to Ada hugging her.


Words: 842

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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