Chapter 8 - Vision No.2

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3rd Person

Everyone sat down on a couch, Mike and Will on one, Lucas and Dustin on another, El sat on the floor.

Everybody got comfortable, grabbing blankets and pillows to try and distract themselves from everything that's been happening.

"I'm bored, should we watch a movie?" Mike suggested, and a couple hums of agreemen were heard.

"What should we watch?" Eleven asked.

"Oo can me and Dustin pick?" Lucas smiled.

"Yeah, sure." Mike chuckled, and the two jumped off the couch to dig through Mike's movies.

Lucas and Dustin picked a movie and pressed play on the TV, and everybody sat back, happy with what they picked.

It was quiet, but quite peaceful.

The peace was quite nice, until it wasn't.

Mike was sat, beginning to get bored, when he felt Will's hand tighten around his.

He frowned, unsure on why Will had suddenly squeezed his hand, and looked up to see Will's eye's rolled back.

"Shit." He muttered, turning Will to face him.

Will's chest was rising and falling quite aggressively, and his mouth was twitching slightly.

"Shit shit shit!" Mike panicked, causing everyone to turn their attention on them both.

"Will wake up!" Mike shook the smaller boy, but all that happened was a few tears fell out of his eyes.

"S-Stop please.." Will whispered.

"How the fuck can he talk!?" Dustin panicked, and Mike shrugged.

"How the hell am I meant to know Dustin!?" Mike shrieked, his heart pounding.

Will began to cry heavily, tears streaming down his face.

The door to the basement burst open and Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Steve all came rushing down.

"Nancy help!" Mike panicked, looking at his big sister.

"I- Uh, hold him for a second!" Nancy panicked.

Will began to repeat something under his breath, but nobody could make out what he was saying.

"What the hell is he saying?" Lucas tried to listen, but couldn't hear.

"Everybody just shut up for a minute!" Mike ordered, and they all shut up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Will repeated, and Mike's heart broke.

"Mike please. I'm sorry." Will's voice got a tiny bit louder, and now everybody could hear him.

His cheeks were wet with tears, and his hands were shaking as Mike held onto them.

"Come on, Will. Wake up!" Mike panicked, shaking him.

Will's small cries were now turning into loud sobs, and everyone began to seriously panic.

"I'm sorry, please I'm sorry." Will kept repeating, his voice loud enough for the entire house to hear him.

"Will for fuck sake wake up!!" Mike shook him, trying not to cry.

"Stop please." Will was full on sobbing and hyperventilating at this point.

Everybody was looking at the pair, unsure of what to do.

"Will!" Mike screamed, and Will's eyes went back to normal.

Mike stared at Will's hurt face, before grinning widely.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now