The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

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This movie starts with Bella's transformation into a vampire, brought to you by the magic of editing and computer graphics. It's a pretty good scene, but given all that's happened, it seems weird. When Bella finally wakes up -fangs, blood thirst, and all- she doesn't look any paler than normal. Edward takes his newly-turned wife on a hunt and she's successful! I have to say, even if I don't like Edward given all the relationship drama, he's a good husband and a wonderful father. When the two head back to the house, Jacob has a shirt on! Halle-freaking-lujah! Unfortunately, Bella learns about the whole imprinting thing and gets rightfully mad. Jacob explains that it wasn't his choice, and things kind of calm down, even if tensions are still high. Charlie comes to visit, after hearing that his daughter is alright after getting over a really bad "illness". So now the Cullens get to teach Bella control! Yay. Charlie visits and definitely knows something is off is Bella, she's so stiff. Charlie then gets introduced to Renesmee under the guise that she's either adopted or someone else's kid, I don't exactly remember.

Okay, I just need to say, the baby looks so off. They had perfectly normal babies and children playing Renesmee, but they decided to CGI a different face onto them. Probably to get that "intelligence" behind the eyes as the book says. Also, Renesmee is growing ridiculously fast! Being half vampire I thought she'd age slower if anything. Given that she's growing so fast though, among other reasons, when introduced to the Cullen's "extended family" one of them (Irina) mistakes Renesme for an immortal child. The Twilight Saga Wiki can explain it better than I can, so here's what it says about immortal children:

"Immortal children are human children who have been turned into vampires at a very early age. Creating immortal children has long been outlawed by the Volturi due to their inability to remain concealed from the human world. There is no absolute age limit set as to what constituted an immortal child; it was a subjective definition, based on the child's ability to behave himself in a way consistent with vampire law.

Like all vampires, immortal children are frozen at the mental and physical age at which they were transformed. Post-transformation, these small children continued to exhibit childish behaviors, including impulsive acts, tantrums, irresponsible activities, and a general lack of circumspection. It is said that an immortal child's tantrum can kill people, since restraint is basically impossible for someone so young.

Another aspect was their appeal; they were both beautiful and endearing that any human or vampire would automatically love them. Carlisle described them as adorable little children with smiles and dimples that would destroy a village in one of their tantrums.

It is presumed that while their mental maturity is frozen at the age they were transformed, they still have the vampiric gifts of enhanced strength and speed as well the supernatural gifts of certain vampires."

Irina's mother had once created an immortal child and was killed for it. In the flashback we get to the incident, the village is in ruins and on fire, with blood and bodies everywhere. The Volturi and their people show up, behead Irina's mom, and throw the child into the fire. This garners the note 'Yeet goes the child I guess'.

Now the Cullen family and friends get to go around the world trying to gather witnesses that Renesmee is not an immortal child since Irina went and told the Voltori who going to come kill her. Some of the witnesses are weirder than others, and we get hints about what connections various members of the Cullen family have with them. At some point Alice and Jasper disappear, supposedly to find more allies, but they take forever to return, and no one knows what happened to them.

Charlie is dating Seth and Leah's mom! Charlie was good friends with their dad who died a couple of movies ago (I'm pretty sure it was a heart attack after being surprised by BG's girlfriend in the second movie). It's a cute little moment to give us some peace from all the drama, so we appreciate it.

Finally! 'Tis time for battle! Except not exactly. The Voltori and Irina stand what feels like a thousand feet away from the others in this snowy field. Distance doesn't matter because we love vampire hearing. After hearing the witnesses against the immortal child allegations, Renesmee is brought to Aro (the leader of the Volturi) and then the dude beheads Irina for "lying". Dude! She panicked and didn't want people to die!

Anywho, Aro still wants to fight and kill some people. But Alice and Jasper show up just in the nick of time! Alice tells Aro about a vision she had and the terrible outcome a fight would produce. Aro takes her hand so she can share the vision, which we don't get to see. Aro still wants a fight, however, and it's epic! Jacob and Renesmee run back the way their group came so she wouldn't die, leaving the others to fight. Bodies and blood everywhere. However, this also means we get death. Carlisle, Jasper, Seth, and Leah end up dying. Edward falls into a break in the earth someone made, and it seems like he's dead, but he lives!

When looking back through my notes, I came across this one:

"Who's for the soon of the miller now Bella?"

I spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out what this was supposed to say, since this was definitely a note I rushed and auto-correct took over. Luckily, I now know what it was supposed to say! "Who's the skin of a killer now Bella?"

Yes, our girl kills some people and it's all-around awesome. Aro and the other two of the three Voltori get killed, and all is well!


Everything from when Aro took Alice's hand to the end of the fight was Alice's vision! Everyone is alive! For better or for worse. We also find out why Alice and Jasper were gone for so long. They'd booked it to the Amazon and found someone like Renesmee. A half-vampire who grew up ridiculously fast. All is (somewhat) right with the world! The Voltori leave, everyone's alive, Edward and Bella have a family, and Jacob has his imprint (still a little weirded out by the fact that it can change to a mate bond because even if Renesmee looks and has the maturity of an 18-year-old, she's only like a month or so old). The movie ends with the happy couple back in the flower field. Edward is holding Bella in a way that makes it seem like she's pregnant again. Don't know how that works since Bella's a vamp now, but she's the chosen one so go off I guess.

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