Chapter 7 - I'm sorry, Mike.

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Wills POV

I sat down next to Mike, my cheeks warm as we still had connected hands.

Everybody got comfortable, grabbing blankets and pillows to try and distract themselves from everything that's been happening.

"I'm bored, should we watch a movie?" Mike suggested, and a couple hums of agreement were heard.

"What should we watch?" Eleven asked.

"Oo can me and Dustin pick?" Lucas smiled.

"Yeah, sure." Mike chuckled, and the two jumped off the couch to dig through Mike's movies.

Lucas and Dustin picked a movie and pressed play on the TV, and everybody sat back, happy with what they picked.

The room felt like it had gone cold, but I didn't think anything of it and just ignored it.

I leaned back into the couch, and I felt Mike remove his hand from mine.

I looked up at him, and he had a disgusted look on his face.

"M-Mike, what's wrong?" I tried to think of what could be wrong, but nothing seemed out of place.

"You really think I wouldn't notice?" Mike sneered, and my heart began to pound in my chest.

"Notice.. what?" I spoke carefully, unsure of what to do.

"Your pathetic fucking attempt in the van." Mike chuckled sarcastically, and I froze.

"I don't know what your talking about." I tried, but Mike scoffed.

"You know, I didn't say anything at the time because I felt bad for you, but holding your hand made me realize how disgusting you really are." Mike spat, and he may aswell have dug a knife through my heart as the aftermath wouldn't have been much different.

"..What?" I whispered, my voice shaking.

"Will, I know about your stupid fucking crush on me, and it's disgusting." Mike's face scrunched up, and I began to tear up.

"No, I'm sorry." I began to cry, backing away from Mike.

"You know, it's funny how you really thought that you were doing something when you talkes about El in the van. 'Oh she needs you Mike!' and 'You make her feel like she's not a mistake' it's genuinely funny." Mike chuckled, and Will began to sob.

"Mike I'm sorry!" Will tried to hide his face, but failed.

"That's disgusting." Lucas spoke up, and Will turned to face him.

"No, please Lucas." Will sobbed, trying to hold his hand out.

Lucas smacked it harshly, and walked up next to him.

"Mike's right, you are absolutely fucking disgusting." Lucas spat, and Will's cries only got louder.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." He sobbed, covering his ears.

He watched as all of his friends stood up and began to laugh at him, pointing at him and making fun of him.

"Troy was right, he is a fucking pansy!" Dustin cackled.

"He should've died in the upside down, instead of infecting the people im our town with his disease." Mike scoffed, and Will's heart absolutely shattered.

He stared at Mike, and just gave up.

He sobbed into his knees, loud wailing, wishing he would just die right there and then.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He sobbed, voice breaking.

"Will." Mike's voice came from above him.

He looked up and saw that Mike's eyes were white and he screamed.

"No! No no no get away from me!" He grabbed a book from the floor and smashed it into Mike's face, before running past Mike and up the basement stairs.

He ran up, but it was all vines and darkness.

"You can not hide from me, William." Vecna growled, and Will froze.

"Will!" Mike's voice spoke from around him.

"Mike!?" Will screamed, looking around.

"Will!" Mike's voice got louder.

"Mike!!" Will screamed, his voice breaking.


i wrote this while listening to country music taylor

we dont jave a song and he said our song is a slamming scren dolr

{Word Count: 637}

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