chapter 4

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"Im so sorry i didnt know she was going to try and kill you all she told me that if you binded yourselves she would let you go i never realized how terible of a mother and a person she was until hope and kalina yelled at me for comparing our mothers" roman said "i hate you for what you did roman but i miss you as my friend" kalina said as she started crying "i miss you as my friend too kalina" roman said "roman!" Little hope and kalina yelled as they ran to him they hugged him "they dont know do they" roman asked so hope shoke her head "roro you are so tall!" Kalina said while laughing "i miss this kali" hope wispered to kalina "so do i hopie" kalina wispered back to hope "guys roman is going to stay for the rest of your time here now your going to react to why no one from the future remembers hope and kalina" moon said "ok i cant wait to find out why" lizzie said

They see landon, leonel, clark, mark, hope and kalina in some place with a big mud pit "dr.saltzman we are the only two who can stop this we have to jump in" hope said "hope, kalina you cant you two need to come back to the salvatore bording school now!" Alaric yelled over the phone "we arent coming back you have our location when landon and leonel wake us they will call you goodbye alaric" kalina said as she takes the phone from hope and then kalina hangs up "sorry to interupt your moment" clark said as he and mark were fixing their necks "your not going to try and stop us?" Kalina asked "no i hate him i dont want him to rise" mark said "Imitantor Pupulus" hope and kalina said "whatever that spell does it didnt work" clark said so hope and kalina put a hand over their mouthes and clark and marks hands did the same "we learned this spell in first grade we also learned the game follow the leader" kalina said as she and hope were walking towords clark and mark "you dont have to do this" clark said "this is the only part we are actually enjoying" hope said as they put their hands on each others throat then they jumped in malovore

"You did that to save us?" Josie asked "next time you talk to our daughters like that i will kill you" klaus and kol said "i would do anything to save my bestie, friends and family" kalina said "you guys are going to react the the future that hasnt happened yet" moon said then everyone looked at the screen

"you knew this day was coming everyone did!" Hope yelled "your not ready to become the tribrids!" Alaric yelled "yes we are we have prepared for this our whole lives!" Kalina yelled "regardless of what you have prepared you are still your fathers daughter hope and you will alway be your parents daughter no matter what kalina!" Alaric yelled so kalina started crying "i fucking hate you so much alaric my parents were better then you ever could be and i miss them a lot!" Kalina yelled "then maybe you should go join you parents in hell!" Alaric yelled then kalina ran out of alarics office "look what you did alaric!" Hope yelled then she ran after kalina she found kalina in beatrix arms sobbing she also saw josie, lizzie, angel, henrik, grayson and lexi "keep an eye on her alaric told her she should go join uncle kol and aunt elena in hell" hope said "he is a horrible fucking person" beatrix said "he said what!?" Grayson and henrik yelled "yea he dosent think we are ready to be tribrids because kali will always be her parents daughter and i will always be my fathers daughter" hope said as a tear slid down her face

Everyone but alaric looked pissed "alaric saltzman what the hell is wrong with you your suppost to be a nice and caring man not a fucking damon!" Elena yelled "hey leave me out of your conversation!" Damon yelled "shut the hell up damon you are the reason my godmother is dead!" Beatrix yelled "why you fucking bitch!" damon yelled "we are now going to react to lexis parents" moon said so everyone looked at the screen

Caroline was holding a positive pregnancy test "care are you ok in there" elena said "lena can you come in" caroline said so elena opened the door "what does it say" elena said "its positive" caroline said as tears went down her face "omg care" elena said as she hugged caroline "what am i going to do i was married and widowed on the same day and now im pregnant with stefans baby" caroline said "im so sorry caroline" elena said

"Me and stefan get married then he dies then i find out im pregnant!?" Caroline yelled "now you guys are going to react to hopes current reletionships, then your going to react to what happened to break them up then your going to react to their new relationships then kalinas current relationship their breakup and her future relationship" moon said "wait me and landon/leonel break up?" Hope and Kalina asked "yes hope, kalina im sorry" moon said so everyone looked at the screen

Hope and landon were in landons dorm room "hope andrea mikaelson i love you" landon said "i love you too landon" hope said

"Me and hope dated before she jumped in malivore?" Landon said "yes bitchy boy" moon said "now lets react to landon and hopes break up" moon said so everyone looked at the screen

Landon and hope were in landons room while they were talking "Do not look at me like that. Deep down, you know that I am right" landon said "Look. I know I've been rushing things, but... it's honestly just because I'm a little scared because Cleo told me that I'm gonna have to become a fully activated Tribrid in order to defeat Malivore. And I don't like being told what to do. And I don't want to do that to you. So you take as much time as you need to tell me what happened to you. It doesn't matter what it is or if anything's changed. You are still the person I love." Hope said "That's the problem. Nothing has changed." Landon said "What are you talking about? You asked me if I would be here with you right now if things had been different. And how... We will get through this, okay? We always do. So there's really no need to say it." Hope said "I have to say it. I went through hell in that prison world to stay alive, only to find you happy with a perfect version of me. At first I was angry, but then I realized the truth. The one we can't avoid. We're doomed." Landon said "Anyone else can believe that, but not us, because I went through hell to find you. And I would do it all over again if I needed to." Hope said "I can't let you do that. I am the son of Malivore. You are the loophole who defeats him. We exist to destroy each other. And I want with all of my heart for it to be different, but..." Landon said "Are you breaking up with me?" Hope asked "We should probably stay far away from each other." Landon said hope started sobbing "I mean, where are you gonna go?" Hope asked "I don't know. I don't belong at this school without you. Goodbye, Hope." Landon said as he walked away leaving a crying hope

"How could you leave her like that landon you were suppost to be her epic love!" Angel yelled "i dont even know who she is!" Landon yelled "you dont remember her because she saved us landon!" Lizzie yelled "everyone stop fighting now you will react to hopes future relationship" moon said so everyone looked at the screen

Hope and alarik were in his office "hope you cant date my daughter you have not became a good person sence you became a tribrid you killed her, put me in a coma you are not going to date her hope if i have to i will send you to your family in new orleans!" Alarik yelled "i dont care what you have to say alarik im going to date your daughter!" Hope yelled then lizzie walked in "dad me and hope are dating get over it we dont care about what you have to say you havent been a good person or dad sence we were 14 when hopes and kalinas parents and uncle died" lizzie said "lizzie one more word out of you and i will-" alarik was cut off by caroline walking in the room "you will what alarik you are not to put your hands on my daughter remember i am stronger and faster then you" caroline said "mom!" Lizzie yelled "caroline they arent your daughters how many times do we have to go over this!" Alarik yelled "caroline gave birth to them and she raised them my aunt should have left you on the other side!" Hope yelled but then alarik pulled out a cross bow with red oak "kalina help" lizzie wispered so her dad couldnt here her so kalina vamped in the room "put the bow down or i will make you" kalina said "you and your family have put us through hell i would be doing the world a favor getting rid of the most powerful originals children" alarik said so kalina put her hand out "ad somnum" kalina said so alarik passed out "im so sorry baby i should have never told him" lizzie said "its ok babe" hope said "i love you hope" lizzie said as she walked over to hope "i love you too lizzie" hope said as lizzie kissed her

"Me and lizzie get together in the future!?" Hope yelled

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