chapter 6

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Kalina started to panic as flashbacks kept going through her head and her breathing picked up "Put the knife down and no one gets hurt" lizzie said "how about no im going to finish what i first started!" Damon yelled then he was thrown into a wall "everyone stop fighting damon since you decided you would hurt kali you will no longer be able to move" moon said as everyone was teleported back to their seats then everyone looked at the screen

Kalina is standing alone at a bus stop waiting for the bus when josie ran to her "stop kali dont get on that bus ruby is back and if you leave she said she would kill hope and beatrix!" josie yelled so kalina turned around her eyes turned into tribrid eyes "take me to her" kalina said then they ran to the salvatore bording school and when they got there they walked inside and you can see ruby with her hands in hope and beatrix chests "let them go ruby our family is on their way!" henrik yelled "i will let them go when kalina shows up" ruby said "well its a good thing that i am here" kalina said so ruby turned her head to look at kalina but she didnt take her hands out of both girls chests "finally now we wait for your father to get here" ruby said "my dad is dead ruby he has been for years now" kalina said "i would have known if your father was dead we are soulmates!" Ruby yelled and kalina looked pissed "you are not my dads soulmate my mom was but they never got together!" Kalina yelled "your lying hes still alive and i am his soulmate!" Ruby yelled then the mikaelsons, aurora, kai and katherine walk into the salvatore bording school "take your hand out of my daughters chest ruby" aurora said "ruby i can show you who your soulmate really is and what happened if you trust me even a little bit please" kalina said the ruby sighed as she took her hands out of hope and beatrix chests then she walked over to kallie and kallie put her hands on rubys head and kalina closed her eyes and kallie showed her lucien castle and proof that he was her soulmate then i showed her how kol died then kalina opened her eyes and took her hands off rubys head with tears in kalinas eyes "i understand what everyone has been trying to tell me thank you kalina i am sorry for what i have put you all through i must go" ruby said then she vamped away then the tears in kalinas eyes fell then beatrix was right next to her hugging her

"You forced yourself to go through that painful memory just to save me and hope" beatrix said "well duh i love you both your family and you are my best friend i would do anything to keep you safe" kalina said "i love you too kali" beatrix and hope said "now i will show you guys a parallel universe where klaus and hayley got together and where kol and elena got together and no one died this will be what would have happened and still can happen considering you guys except for the kids and alarik are from the past and then after you guys can all go home and the rest is up to you" moon said so we all looked at the screen

Kol and elena were standing at the alter at a bridsmaid and a groomsmen with klaus and hayley getting married "do you niklaus mikaelson vow to take, to hold and to cherish this woman as you lawfuly weaded wife through sickness and health?" The preast said "i do" klaus said as he put the ring on hayleys finger "do you hayley jane elizabeth marshall vow to take, to hold and to cherish this man as your husband through sickness and health?" The priest asked "i do" hayley said as she put the ring on klaus's finger "i may now prenounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the priest said then klaus kissed hayley then hayley through her flowers and a pregnant elena cought it "i guess you and kol are next huh" hayley said and we could see that she was pregnant "yea maybe" kol said

Sorry this chapter is short I will make the next one longer. sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been busy lately I will try to post as often as I can

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