// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part fifty-five


       Y/n was practically shaking as she approached the arena. The cold glare she received from the man who had so effortlessly defeated Vegeta made her want to curl up in a ball and cry. This was not a battle she could win in any universe. This was a battle she was going into knowing she would be lost, confused, and beaten to a pulp.

"You're shaking like a leaf," The man suddenly spoke up, his deep voice startling her. Y/n swallowed thickly, trying to steel herself for the coming battle.

"I know this battle isn't in my favor," Y/n spoke honestly, trying to keep her voice from cracking. The man hummed, putting his hands in his pockets.

"And why is that? Are you weaker than the previous man?" Hit questioned. Y/n glared at him, wondering why he was questioning her so much. It was almost as if the man had read her mind, answering her question. "I'm just curious about you. I'm only interested in this tournament because of my prize. I apologize for harming you in advance."

"And I apologize in advance for keeping your prize from you. I won't let you win. My home planet's life is on the line," Y/n retorted, taking her fighting stance. She couldn't transform just yet, she didn't want to waste a single bit of energy. Hit hummed, squinting his eyes at her, but didn't move. The referee signaled the fight, and for a moment, the two stared each other down, before suddenly, Hit was directly in front of her, his fist digging into her gut. Y/n gasped, gritting her teeth as she grabbed his wrist. Hit stared down at her with little emotion, before uppercutting her jaw with his free fist.

Y/n yelped, stumbling backward, staring at Hit with wide eyes. The man didn't move, sighing. He could tell this fight wouldn't be interesting. That was what he thought, but Y/n was formulating a plan. Perhaps she didn't need to touch him to fight him.

She took her fighting stance again, watching Hit closely, observing him. There must have been something, a trigger, a warning of some kind for every time he activated his time skip. Hit stood still for a moment longer, before suddenly tensing up, clenching his jaw, and before she could even blink, Hit had attacked her again, landing a jab to her chest. Y/n stumbled back, feeling as though she would suddenly drop at any moment.

"I wouldn't recommend fighting me. If I continue to hit your vitals, you will die." Hit spoke as if his words meant nothing. Y/n grit her teeth, standing up straight. She needed to figure out how to attack him. If she could land an attack just before he did his time skip, perhaps this battle would not be all for naught.

"Do it again," She demanded. Hit's eyes widened at her demand, confused. Y/n glared at Hit, daring him to do his time skip, as many times as he could. Y/n wasn't worried about his vital point attacks, once she figured out his time skip, she wouldn't even need to worry about touching him.

"You... Want me to attack you again?" Hit asked, confused and suspicious. Never in all of his life had someone ever told him to attack them again after experiencing his time skip attacks. Hit stiffened his body, freezing up, as if preparing himself for something.

For a split second, Hit's body tensed up once again, and Y/n had suddenly been uppercut in the jaw, nearly taking her off her feet. Sucking in a sharp breath, Y/n stumbled backward, wiping a drip of blood off of her lip. She looked up at Hit, a suspicious glint in her eyes, as if planning something.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now