You Have Only Yourself To Blame

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"I'm gonna quit!"

The shout rang out through the office and all of the workers craned their head towards the boss's office. The door had been quite helpfully left open by Namtan, allowing the full conversation to be heard.

"Now, I think you're overreacting," the boss said, his voice softer than usual, clearly attempting to deescalate the situation.

"I put up with a lot from you," Namtan shot back as she paced in front of Prapai's desk. "I pick up discarded buttons that mysteriously appear around the office and leave them for you. I have the housekeeping staff clean your office in the morning and at night because I can never be sure what you get up to if I leave before you." Stopping she pointed a finger at Prapai," I had to give a bonus and a raise to TWO SEPARATE members of the housekeeping staff after you psychologically scarred them. I even had to call in a locksmith on the weekend and pay exorbitant fees to get them to put locks on all of the conference room doors. All I ask is for you to BE DISCREET. This is NOT DISCREET!"

"You know I appreciate everything you do Namtan," his tone cajoling.

"Don't you try to use that voice with me. I'm not your precious Sky. You have a conference call in less than an hour and you look like Sky tried to gnaw your face off!"

"It's not a big deal. I'm a grown man."

"Why couldn't he leave all of that for areas that your suit would cover," Namtan asked in a whine, as she began scrolling through her phone.

"Oh, he covered that too," Prapai replied with a grin, patting one hand over his heart.

"You know what, I'm not gonna quit, I'm just gonna murder you and accept the consequences."

"I really don't see why it's a big deal."

"It looks unprofessional, and you know that," Namtan bit back snarkily. " I know how smart you are, stop trying to act dumb."

Closing her eyes Namtan took a deep breath. Letting it out slowly she met Prapai's eyes "I'm leaving to go get some makeup to cover that up. I'll be back in less than half an hour. Start going over your notes now."

As Namtan walked through the office door, Prapai called out, "Thank you."

"No," Namtan shot back. Moving through the office she could see everyone looking intently at their desks, including employees that didn't have anything on the desk in front of them. Well, they clearly heard everything. Releasing another sigh, she looked over everyone, picking out an intern named Sun, she strolled over. "I need you to come with me, Sun."

"Of course. What are we doing?"

"I have to go get concealer for our shameless boss, and you have the most similar skin tone. I'm gonna use you to shade match. Let's go."

"Oh, okay." Sun placed the pen he was holding down and grabbed his jacket and followed Namtan who was walking swiftly away and already several feet ahead of him.

Prapai sat in his office chair, flipping through the folder of notes that Namtan had brought in a few minutes ago. As he skimmed the pages, one hand moved up to his chin, thumb rubbing lightly across the bone of his jaw, just by his ear. The slight pulse of pain that flared has he pressed into the bruise brought a shameless smile to his lips. The paperwork was completely forgotten as his mind flashed back to the prior evening.

He'd not worked very late, but Sky had a project he was working on, so he had decided to meet him at his dorm. Try as he might, he was still struggling to get Sky to agree to move in with him. He'd cleared with his parents and siblings Sky moving into their house, and everyone had been quick to agree, all adoring Sky nearly as much as he did. But truthfully, he wanted a bit more privacy, so they often spent more nights at Sky's dorm, than Prapai's home. He'd brought up them getting an apartment together several times, but Sky wouldn't agree, at least not yet.

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