after teardrops on my guitar (requested)

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"I'll get it!" You called out from the sofa to your parents who were in the kitchen.

You got up and went over to the door to answer it as the knocking continued.

And when you opened it, you came face to face with Taylor.

She stood there looking apologetic and heartbroken and when your eyes locked, you looked away.

"Can we talk?" She wondered.

"I don't know, Taylor." You quietly answered.

"We have a lot that we need to talk about. Please." She pleaded.

You wanted to tell her no.

You wanted to slam the door in her face and tell her to get lost.

But something in her bright blue eyes made it impossible for you to do that.

And you knew, though you didn't want to admit it, that you'd missed her too much to do anything like that.

"Fine." You spoke and let her in. "Close the door behind you and we'll go up to my room to talk."

She nodded and closed the door before following you upstairs to your bedroom.

You sat down on the edge of your bed and after closing your door so you two could have some privacy to talk, she sat down beside you.

But you scooted over and further away from her.

"Why do you keep doing that?" She asked. "You keep moving away from me and ignoring me. What did I do?"

"Why are you here, Taylor? Why don't you just go hang out with Drew?" You asked and watched her eyebrows furrow.

"Is that what all of this is about?" She asked. "Drew? Are we fighting over him? Ending a friendship over him?"

"You like him, don't you?" You asked as you stood up and stared at her as you folded your arms over your chest. "I heard the song."

"I'm not surprised. You've always been my biggest fan." She said with a little smile.

She then let out a long sigh as you lowered your head, not finding her comment to be very amusing.

"You want to know why I'm here?"

You nodded.

"Because I've done a lot of thinking lately. You always seemed to find Drew pretty... fishy."

"Yeah, well, I think he's a jerk." You said. "The way he's treated you over time. How you thought he liked you, only for him to go on and on about his girlfriend."

She smiled a little over your grumbling about Drew and your obvious dislike for him.

"He doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him. You're beautiful and he just stands there going on and on about this girl as if you're invisible."

She got up and walked over to you.

"Well... what if I told you that I realized something? I wrote that song about him because there was a time when I genuinely did like him. But then I realized I deserve better."

You looked into her eyes, finding them sparkling brightly.

"And I realized there's someone else I care about much more than I did Drew."


"You." She said, chuckling over your obliviousness. "You, Y/N."

"You like me?" You asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yeah. I do. It broke my heart when you stopped talking to me and started ignoring me. When we're in school, you just go right by me."

"Because... I like you too. And I hated seeing you get treated that way. And then I thought you still had feelings for Drew and it just seemed easier to ignore you than get my heart broken again."

"I'd never break your heart, darling." She said as she cupped your cheek. "I want to be with you, Y/N. I've moved on from him. I deserve better. I want you. Please be mine."

"I'm yours, Taylor. All yours." You promised.

She smiled brightly before leaning in to kiss you, only to be interrupted by a knock on your door.

"Y/N, honey, oh-" She paused upon seeing you and Taylor so close. "Sorry to interrupt but there's someone here to see you."

You wondered who on earth it could be.

You went downstairs with Taylor's hand still in yours and at the front door was... Drew.

"Y/N, have you seen Taylor? I want to talk to her about-" He started to say as you stood at the door.

Taylor came out from behind the door and his eyes went wide.

"Taylor, you're here!"

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"Well... you."

Your heart dropped.

Now he wants her?

Now that teardrops on my guitar was out for the world to hear about how much of an idiot he'd been, now that you and Taylor have confessed to each other, now he wants her?

This couldn't be happening to you.

Taylor looked at you to see an intense sadness in your eyes and her first instinct was to pull you into her arms tight.

"I'm good, Drew." She said. "I've moved on. I'm in love now."

"With whom?" He scoffed.

"Y/N, obviously. She's always been here for me. She's always listened to me and she's never broken my heart. You, however, have. Several times."

She shook her head as she stared at him.

"I liked you... a lot. You were my everything at one point. But you never noticed me. You never cared about me the way I did you. I'm over it now. I'm with Y/N, someone who genuinely cares about me and appreciates me."

"Your loss." He said as he walked away.

"Nope. Not even in the slightest." You said. "It's your loss. Because Tayloe will never be yours. I'm the lucky one."

You closed the door and turned the lock before hugging Taylor tightly.

"Did you mean that? Everything you said?"

"Wholeheartedly. I have for so long, I just didn't say it until tonight."

You smiled at her before finally giving her the kiss that you'd both been dreaming of.

"Well, for the record, I'm in love with you too."

She smiled from ear to ear before holding you close as her heart finally felt content and happy.

Because you're hers and she's yours; finally.

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